Hi List,<br><br>I have tried with textops to remove some suspicious things from the From: field, but without any luck. Unfortunately one of my customers sending weird callerids, and my vendor doesn't accept it. The customer itself is unable to fix it for some reson, but he sending the above mentioned header like this:<br>
<br>From: <47Adrian@his_ip.....<br><br>From: <anica117@his_ip<br><br>From: <123gheorghe07@his_ip<br><br>So fromusers like this, real IPs are replaced with his_ip because I don't want to post it here. <br><br>
I have tried with the subst_ fuctions mentioned in the docs, but no luck, I'm not so good in sed like scripting.<br>Anyone can give me a hint about how can I strip the non-numeric parts?<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>dimitry<br>