<br> <style></style><div><font size="2" face="Arial">Hi </font>Bogdan,<br><span class="jive-thread-reply-body-container">Thank you for your reply</span>,<br>Our SBC runs in the Internet not IMS,so we need SBC for NAT transfer,media stream transfer and security,<br>I have used OpenSBC,However, the performance is not meet our requirement (Single OpenSBC only serves 100-250 concurrent call sessions). <br><br>so,if the opensips can act as the SBC with the functions that I have mentioned above,I really want to know the performance,like maximum allowable number of concurrent connections,the Maximum Allowable Call Rate per Second,and the testing envirionment.<span style="font-family: Arial;"></span><br><pre>Thank you!<br>Regards,<br>YinLin<br></pre></div>