Folks,<br><br>We are using dispatcher module for load balancing for a while with IPv4. Now, we are moving to IPv6, we would like to use these features again. However, by specifying IPv6 SIP URI in the dispatcher.list for the destination host, the URI can't be resolved. Below is the debug log.<br>
<br>A simple destination set in dispatcher.list is:<br><br>1 sip:[2001:430:1403:3::1]:5081<br>1 sip:[2001:430:1403:3::2]:5082<br><br>We tried other IPv6 SIP URI syntaxes without success.<br><br>Any thoughts how to solve this issue or how to use IPv6 SIP URI in dispatcher.list for destination hosts/set.<br>
<br>Regards,<br><br>Alain<br><br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32571] INFO:core:init_tcp: using epoll_lt as the TCP io watch method (auto detected)<br>
[root@pctest opensips]# Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] NOTICE:core:main: version: opensips 1.5.2-notls (i386/linux)<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:core:main: using 32 Mb shared memory<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:core:main: using 1 Mb private memory per process<br>
Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] NOTICE:signaling:mod_init: initializing module ...<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:sl:mod_init: Initializing StateLess engine<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:tm:mod_init: TM - initializing...<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:maxfwd:mod_init: initializing...<br>
Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:usrloc:ul_init_locks: locks array size 512<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:registrar:mod_init: initializing...<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:textops:mod_init: initializing...<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:xlog:mod_init: initializing...<br>
Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] INFO:acc:mod_init: initializing...<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] ERROR:dispatcher:add_dest2list: could not resolve [2001:430:1403:3::1]<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] ERROR:dispatcher:mod_init: no dispatching list loaded from file<br>
Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] ERROR:core:init_mod: failed to initialize module dispatcher<br>Sep 11 06:58:04 [32573] ERROR:core:main: error while initializing modules<br><br><br><br><br>