Hello to all members.<br><br>I am running OpenSIPS 1.5.1 with MySQL authentication and authorization backend; after some minutes of running, I am getting the following error in log:<br><br>Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:reserve_nonce_index: second= 13, sec_monit= 1, index= 5<br>
Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:build_auth_hf: nonce index= 5<br>Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:build_auth_hf: 'Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm="", nonce="4a2f928500000005acf87663581a317e2716f2ae64017424"<br>
Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:check_nonce: comparing [4a2f928500000005acf87663581a317e2716f2ae64017424] and [4a2f928500000005acf87663581a317e2716f2ae64017424]<br>Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:post_auth: nonce index= 5<br>
Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:check_nonce: comparing [4a2f928500000005acf87663581a317e2716f2ae64017424] and [4a2f928500000005acf87663581a317e2716f2ae64017424]<br>Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:post_auth: nonce index= 5<br>
Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:is_nonce_index_valid: nonce already used<br>Jun 10 16:00:55 [25744] DBG:auth:post_auth: nonce index not valid<br><br>With this, calls fail as I am checking authorization at INVITE. Register works without any problem.<br>
<br>Any hint on this?<br><br>Thanks in advance for your attention.<br><br>Regards.<br><br><br>Sergio<br>