Hi All,<div>So I've seen, what I expect are some broken UA. I get a BYE, relay it.. then get a 200 OK, relay it.</div><div><br></div><div>So I'd expect the call to end after that, but then the UA sends the BYE again, and I 200 OK it right away (without relaying the BYE). This happens like 6 times or so before the UA gives up.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Now this looks like a dialog matching problem. I'm guessing it's a really old UA (Headers show MERA MSIP v.1.0.1). This is the only client (of about 30) that is having this problem.</div><div>
</div><div>So my question is, what is opensips's behavior with these kinds of transactions. I don't understand when opensips decides to retransmit a 200OK (without re-relaying the BYE), versus a 481 Transaction Does not Exist, versus completely ignoring the packet. I was guessing the transaction stays in memory after it's been destroyed just to absorb retransmissions. If that's the case, would i expect to see a 481 once that timer expires for the same retransmitted BYE?</div>