Hi,<br><br>I am having a problem with using B2BUA -> Opensips -> xLite behind NAT. When the B2BUA sends back a 200OK, it is received by the SIP client behind NAT, but the SIP client does not response properly with ACK when the xLite is not in the same local LAN as the Opensips. If xLite is connected within the local LAN of Opensips, then xLite can response properly with ACK. I think this is due to Contact header not properly configured, but I did use fix_nated_contact() inside the onreply_route[1]. <br>
<br>onreply_route[1] {<br> xlog("L_INFO", "Reply - S=$rs D=$rr F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n");<br> search_append('Contact:.*sip:[^>[:cntrl:]]*', ';nat=yes');<br> fix_nated_contact();<br>
exit; <br><br> <br>}<br><br>Any suggestion on how to resolve this problem will be greatly appreciated.<br><br>JB<br>