<span style="font-size: small;">Thanks for the help. Now the opensips-cp opens.<br />In CDRViewer tool I can display information only in certain areas of the columns in the table cdrs. <br /> I have noticed that some fields such as Username Source, Domain Source and Destination does not exist between the columns of cdrs. <br /> My cdrs table has the following columns:<br /><br />cdr_id | call_start_time | duration | src_uri | dst_uri | leg_status | sip_call_id | sip_from_tag | sip_to_tag | cdr_rated | created | leg_type | leg_transition | caller_id | callee_id | in_gw | cdr_cost | cdr_type |<br /><br />There is some sql file that creates these fields?<br /><br />Also in table acc I have added the extra columns that the opensips_cdrs_1_4.sql procedure required:<br /><br />src_leg | dst_leg | caller_id | callee_id | leg_type | leg_transition | in_gw | leg_status | cdr_id |<br /><br />Thanks again for your help</span>.<br /><br /><span style="font-size: small;">Matteo Marzuola</span><br /><span style="font-size: small;"><br /><br /></span>
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