<div dir="ltr">On occasion, my polycoms seem to lose the presence state of other phones they are monitoring. It seems to happen randomly and to random phones (some behind nat some on public ips). There is no pattern to when it happens. My phones reregister every 60 seconds, so probably that regreg is issuing new subscribes or refreshing user location which then by defualt starts the message flow again.<br>
<br>I tried to write some script to xlog and see if the proxy is recieving the 200 OKs from the messages sent and if not log it. I can't seem to catch them though. I've tried in main route, reply route, branch route, and failute route. They seem to be nowhere that i am looking. Are those replies stateless, therefore I cannot access them or something like that?<br>
<br>My suspicion is that some fo the packets are just not getting through and some session timer on the polycoms expires and then the phone makes that contact look like its offline. <br><br>i think that i saw something in the old openser mailing list about using presence/blf with polycoms. Something about the 200 OKs getting to the proxy before the actual message? Whatever it was my head seems to think it might apply.<br>
<br>Does anyone remember that particular post? <br><br>Is anyone else noticing this with their polycom phones?<br><br>Alex<br><br><br></div>