[OpenSIPS-Users] Multiple calls from Webrtc to opensips

Collins ONYEGBADO onyegbadocu at fuotuoke.edu.ng
Thu Jan 9 05:53:59 UTC 2025

Dear support,
I am a newbie in opensips. I will be installing opensips on my Ubuntu
terminal. I know how to set up trunk in cucm.

1) how can I set up trunk in opensips to forwards calls destined for 7100
to cucm?

2) since I intend calling an ivr , how do I send DTMF tones to opensips ?
>From the client side,I have implemented DTMF key pads

3)how  can I set up opensips to accept  concurrent calls from Webrtc and
router those calls to cucm ?

I will appreciate your feedback  on this

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