[OpenSIPS-Users] DNS based failover after alternate routes.

Ali Dogan alidogan at plan.com
Thu Jan 23 14:45:30 UTC 2025

Hello Bogdan,

Thank you for response however, this is also failed.

With debug logs enabled.

/usr/local/sbin/opensips[722026]: DBG:core:mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[722026]: DBG:core:sip_resolvehost: no port, no proto -> do NAPTR lookup!
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[722026]: DBG:core:get_record: lookup(<DOMAIN_NAME>, 35) failed
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[722026]: DBG:core:sip_resolvehost: no valid NAPTR record found for <DOMAIN_NAME, trying direct SRV lookup...
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[722026]: DBG:core:get_record: lookup(_sip._udp.<DOMAIN_NAME>, 33) failed
/usr/local/sbin/opensips[722026]: DBG:core:sip_resolvehost: no valid SRV record found for <DOMAIN_NAME>, trying A record lookup...

Also, the version I'm using,

version: opensips 3.5.2 (x86_64/linux)

Ali Dogan
+44(0)3300 88 18 18
alidogan at plan.com
plan.com is the trading name of Plan Communications Limited, registered in the Isle of Man with company number 010273V and Registered Office at No.5 Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2LR. This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Plan. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in error.
From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2025 16:47
To: OpenSIPS users mailling list <users at lists.opensips.org>; Ali Dogan <alidogan at plan.com>
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] DNS based failover after alternate routes.

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Hi Ali,



Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 23.01.2025 11:45, Ali Dogan wrote:
Hello All,

My problem openSIPS is doing DNS based failover/routing after trying every available route and I don't want this to be happening. What I tried so far is adding following parameters to my config but it didn't work;


Is there any way to achieve what I need?

Best Regards,

Ali Dogan​​​​


+44(0)3300 88 18 18<tel:+44(0)3300%2088%2018%2018>

alidogan at plan.com<mailto:alidogan at plan.com>





plan.com<http://www.plan.com/> is the trading name of Plan Communications Limited, registered in the Isle of Man with company number 010273V and Registered Office at No.5 Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2LR. This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Plan. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in error.

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