[OpenSIPS-Users] how to send a 'list' parameter to rtpengine, or modify SDP in script before sending to rtpengine

Vlad Paiu vladpaiu at opensips.org
Fri Feb 21 10:09:56 UTC 2025

In the meanwhile you can try stream_delete() for all streams that you're 
not interested in, then calling 
to get the updated SDP and feed that to RTPEngine.

On 2/19/25 23:31, Pyle, Jeff wrote:
> I asked the rtpengine-related part of this question on the rtpengine 
> list. Richard's response:
>     In the newer Kamailio module we have restructured the flags
>     parsing so that you can do
>     `rtpengine_offer("sdp-media-remove=[video message image]")` but
>     likely that change hasn't made it over to OpenSIPS yet.
> Is his assumption correct? Does this make sense for a feature request 
> on the Github page?
> Regards,
> Jeff
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Users <users-bounces at lists.opensips.org> on behalf of Pyle, 
> Jeff <JPyle at fusionconnect.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 22, 2025 18:30
> *To:* OpenSIPS Users <users at lists.opensips.org>
> *Subject:* [OpenSIPS-Users] how to send a 'list' parameter to 
> rtpengine, or modify SDP in script before sending to rtpengine
> Hello,
> I'm on OpenSIPS 3.4.9 with rtpengine I'm trying to make use 
> of the 'sdp-media-remove' command supported in this version of 
> rtpengine to remove unwanted media sessions from the SDP.
> The author of rtpengine reminds me its syntax is
>   "sdp-media-remove" : ["<media-type>", "<media-type>", ...]
> Or, in other words, this command requires a 'list' as its parameters.
> The only way I could get rtpengine not to throw an error was by using 
> "sdp-media-remove=video". rtpengine shows this as
>   "sdp-media-remove": "video"
> Based on the documentation, it needs to be
>   "sdp-media-remove" : ["video"]
> How can one formulate an rtpengine_offer() command so that I can 
> provide a 'list'. In my case I want to preserve only the 'audio' 
> session, so, I need to write an rtpengine_offer() message with the 
> sdp-media-remove command that sends this:
>   "sdp-media-remove" : ["video", "text", "application", "message", 
> "other"]
> Even better, is it possible to use standard OpenSIPS scripting 
> commands like stream_exists() and stream_delete() to remove the 
> streams from the SDP before sending to rtpengine? In my testing, these 
> commands don't have any effect on what rtpengine receives.
> I have Cisco devices on my network that send an rtpmap payload of 255, 
> which rtpengine typically refuses to process because it's out of spec. 
> Removing the erroneous an unnecessary streams in OpenSIPS before 
> processing in rtpengine would solve this problem without having to 
> patch rtpengine.
> Regards,
> Jeff
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> policy: www.fusionconnect.com/email-policy
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