[OpenSIPS-Users] remove_latency value in pike module is not respected

Santi Antón santi.anton at quarea.com
Fri Sep 6 12:22:10 UTC 2024


I'm using pike module with this module configuration.

loadmodule "pike.so"
modparam("pike", "sampling_time_unit", 5)
modparam("pike", "reqs_density_per_unit", 10)
modparam("pike", "remove_latency", 3600)

The module detects the DoS, but 6-8 seconds later unblock the source IP when it is set to last 1h, where I'm going wrong?
I've tried different "remove_latency" values with the same results.
The log shows it.

Sep  5 18:30:32 voiptfm /usr/sbin/opensips[660915]: INFO:PIKE - BLOCKing ip, node=0x7f93ec486bc8
Sep  5 18:30:38 voiptfm /usr/sbin/opensips[660934]: INFO:PIKE - UNBLOCKing node 0x7f93ec486bc8

Sep  5 18:30:55 voiptfm /usr/sbin/opensips[660916]: INFO:PIKE - BLOCKing ip, node=0x7f93ec486bc8
Sep  5 18:31:03 voiptfm /usr/sbin/opensips[660934]: INFO:PIKE - UNBLOCKing node 0x7f93ec486bc8

Sep  6 13:36:08 voiptfm /usr/sbin/opensips[669077]: INFO:PIKE - BLOCKing ip, node=0x7f2727f97448
Sep  6 13:36:13 voiptfm /usr/sbin/opensips[669092]: INFO:PIKE - UNBLOCKing node 0x7f2727f97448


[cid:image001.jpg at 01DB0067.82501740]

Santi Antón
Responsable de operaciones
Tel. 902 520 520 - Ext. 106
santi.anton at quarea.com<mailto:santi.anton at quarea.com>

902 520 520
Quarea ITC Management & Consulting
Su experto en Redes Voz-Datos IP:
Asterisk, Cisco, Polycom, Sangoma

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