[OpenSIPS-Users] E_ACC_EVENT Question

Alexander Perkins alexanderhenryperkins at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 20:59:41 UTC 2024

Hi All. We are working on implementing the E_ACC_EVENT so we may use that
for accounting purposes instead of the DB.  Now, most things appear to work
as they should.  However, when we attempt to access the extra
accounting fields, they don't seem to populate correctly (I've highlighted
the extra variables).  Here is the config:

modparam("acc","extra_fields","evi: src_ip -> source_ip; dst_ip ->

event_route [E_ACC_EVENT]
        #log on entry
        xlog("L_INFO","entered event_route\n");

        #Default Params
        $var(method) = $param(method);

        #Extra Params
        $var(src_ip) = $acc_extra(src_ip);

        $var(source_test) = $si;

        $var(dst_ip) = $acc_extra(dst_ip);

        #log vars to test
        xlog("L_INFO","heres the ER variable: $var(source_test) and


What am I missing?  Can someone point me in the right direction?  Any help
is really appreciated.

Thank you,
Alex Perkins
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