[OpenSIPS-Users] DIfference between R-URI and Destination URI in openSIPs

Mohamed OUALLA oualla.simohamed at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 01:26:52 UTC 2024

Hello all,

  I have a technical question about the difference between *Request URI*
 and *Destination URI* in SIP. In my understanding of SIP, the R-URI
(Request URI) is located in the start line of the SIP request and is also
known as the Address of Record (AoR). However, I am unclear about what the
Destination URI is for openSIPs. Is it the same as the Request URI, or is
it related to an added route header, or the destination address in the
transport protocol, I am not sure about it?

  Additionally, I have observed that when I change the *$du* pseudo
variable in OpenSIPS, it relays the request to the UAS without changing the
R-URI (change it with the sip uri I gave to $du pseudo variable). This
behavior is the same as using the *t_relay()* method, which also does not
change the R-URI but sends the request to the UAS. I guess that changes
have been done only for the destination address in the transport layer.

  Could someone please explain these observations and clarify the
difference between R-URI and Destination URI?
  And the best way to route calls from UAC to UAS in simple VoIP call
components (Caller - SIP Proxy - Callee), actually I change the $ru, then I
*forward()* the request stateless or *t_relay()* stateful.

Thank you.
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