[OpenSIPS-Users] Maybe this is a bug version 3.4 latest

Saint Michael venefax at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 05:56:31 UTC 2024

(xlog) NOTICE:ru sip:19206661392 at;transport=UDP rU 19206661392
DST= rd=
CRITICAL:core:mk_proxy: could not resolve hostname: ";transport=UDP"
ERROR:tm:uri2proxy: bad host name in URI <sip:;transport=UDP:5060>
ERROR:tm:t_forward_nonack: failure to add branches
ERROR:tm:w_t_relay: t_forward_nonack failed
My box is multihomed, and I am using rttpproxy.
this: socket=udp:*:5060 use_workers 80
or this: socket=udp: use_workers 80
make no difference
also to use rttpproxy or not makes no difference
The issue seems to be caused by ru
sip:19206661392 at;transport=UDP having now the ;transport=UDP,
but I only use RTP, so the tansport= part is irrelevant

The main problem is that my CDR is useless
because if the call fails, the field dst_ip comes as ";transport=UDP"
when it should have been ""

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