[OpenSIPS-Users] AAA_diameter usage

Carsten Bock carsten.bock.private at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 10:22:41 UTC 2024

Hi Liviu,

Thanks for getting back to me and for pointing me in some directions.

So far, I did not loaded any extensions. Upon checking with
dict_dcca_3gpp.fdx I've noticed that the extensions (and the lib) are
initialized in the worker process, while the "extra-avps-file" is loaded
from mod_init (so before).

If I move the loading of the extra-avps-file to the worker process (so
after loading extensions), the aka_av_diameter module complains about not
finding the MAR request. After fixing this, there are apparently some
conflicts in the custom-avp's registered by OpenSIPS and the AVPs defined
in the extension dict_dcca_3gpp.fdx or it's dependencies....

I will get there ;-)

Anyway, pointing me in the right direction was already very helpful!

Schöne Grüße aus Hamburg, dem Tor zur Welt,
Carsten Bock

Baron-Voght-Str. 128a I 22607 Hamburg I Germany
T +49 179 2021244 I carsten at bock.info
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carstenbock/

Am Di., 9. Juli 2024 um 16:28 Uhr schrieb Liviu Chircu <liviu at opensips.org>:

> On 09.07.2024 14:18, Carsten Bock wrote:
> The definition itself seems to be fine: If I rename the
> "Server-Assignment-Type" to "SAT" and "User-Data-Already-Available" to
> "UDA-Available", OpenSIPS starts. However, if I follow the examples (e.g.
> module docs for aaa_diameter and here
> https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Tutorials-Diameter-Client-Server),
> I fail to send the Diameter-Request:
> 11:10:14  ERROR  ERROR: Invalid parameter '(((avp) && (((struct
> msg_avp_chain *)(avp))->type == MSG_AVP) && (((struct avp
> *)(avp))->avp_eyec == (0x11355467))) && pdata)', 22
> Am I missing something? Can someone share some example code for sending a
> SAR request? Is the documentation missing something?
> Hello Carsten,
> It is great to hear you are having fun with the module!  With regards to
> freeDiameter library errors (which are taken straight up from
> /usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h, btw), I've typically seen two codes
> being returned by the library:
> #define EINVAL      22  /* Invalid argument */   -- most frequent
> #define EEXIST      17  /* File exists */
> Now, with *17* (already exists), this is returned if you are trying to
> register a *duplicate* AVP as string name, but with different properties
> (maybe diff type?  diff code?  etc.).  As a general rule, the library won't
> complain if we define a perfectly (?) identical AVP twice - it will simply
> move on and return *0 *(success).
> In your case, I suspect that the *22* (invalid arg) is still connected to
> AVP duplication somehow, but the library returns *22* from some other
> part of the error-handling code, as a small mistake.  Especially since
> you're saying *it works* once you fix the name to something else.
> To begin the troubleshooting, which dictionaries / fd extensions are you
> loading right now?  Because if you're loading the *dict_dcca_3gpp.fdx*
> module, this one should already contain both of your AVPs (hence explaining
> your errors!), check their definitions here on the *libfreeDiameter*
> GitHub:
> Server-Assignment-Type
> <https://github.com/freeDiameter/freeDiameter/blob/master/extensions/dict_dcca_3gpp/add_avps.c#L6999>
> and User-Data-Already-Available
> <https://github.com/freeDiameter/freeDiameter/blob/master/extensions/dict_dcca_3gpp/add_avps.c#L7138>
> Best regards,
> --
> Liviu Chircuwww.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com
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