[OpenSIPS-Users] pn push notifications

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Mon Jan 22 12:29:50 UTC 2024

On 15.01.2024 20:28, rvg at rvgeerligs.nl wrote:
> for your information:
> *Sending a push notification to an iOS device using a Bash script*
> https://medium.com/@egzon.arifi/sending-a-push-notification-to-an-ios-device-using-a-bash-script-96c056c1544c
> I hope the pn in opensips only requires the route to the apn:
> https://api.development.push.apple.com/. dev
> https://api.push.apple.com/ opp

Hello Ronald,

Indeed, the /PN_SEND /route will most likely invoke a shell script 
(Bash, Go, Python, etc.) which triggers the notification for that 
/specific /SIP device via APNS, using your app developer API 
credentials.  As this logic is not only specific to the mobile 
developer's platform (APNS or Firebase?), but it's also subject to 
change and often depends on the OS as well (Android 11 or 14 API?  iOS 
14 or 16? etc.), we decided to not officially maintain such scripts and 
leave this part to the VoIP platform developer.

Best regards,

Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu  |www.opensips-solutions.com
OpenSIPS Summit 2024 Valencia, May 14-17 |www.opensips.org/events
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