[OpenSIPS-Users] mid_register and its possible bad actions with De-REGISTER

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Mon Jan 8 09:40:13 UTC 2024

On 27.12.2023 11:38, Dmitry Ponomaryov wrote:
> All this to say, it might make sense to add the ability to disable 
> this De-REGISTER, because with a new registration, we will still send 
> it a registration with an updated contact before the main registrar 
> times out, and there will be no problems, that is, for example, the 
> following settings:
> modparam("mid_registrar", "outgoing_expires", 600) 
> modparam("mid_registrar", "default_expires", 300) 

Hello Dmitry,

 From your scenario, it sounds like maybe you should enable AoR 
throttling, not just Ct throttling? Because in Ct throttling, each 
outgoing contact has a unique "ctid=" parameter, so it must be 
de-registered from the main registrar on each contact replace, since the 
replacement Contact has a new "ctid=", making it an entirely different 

On the other hand, AoR throttling goes beyond this and just makes sure 
there is always 1 AoR registered downstream.  So on a "contact replace" 
operation,  no SIP signaling should reach the Asterisk in that case.

Best regards,

Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com
OpenSIPS Summit 2024 Valencia, May 14-17 | www.opensips.org/events

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