[OpenSIPS-Users] regular expression matching question

Faheem Muhammad faheem2084 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 11:24:45 UTC 2024

Hi everyone,

Firstly, I wish you all a Happy New Year with the best wishes for each
community member and the OpenSIPS project.

I have a question related to regular expressions matching in an IF
There are two identical regular expressions. One RE is matching and one RE
is not matching the pattern.

*Sample $fU Range:  *+966123456700 to +96612345650

# RE1 - Matching Regular expression
if($fU =~"\+9661234567[0-4][0-9]|\+966123456750"){
xlog("re matched\n")

# RE2  - Non matching Regular expression
if($fU ~="\+9661234567([0-4]\d|50)"){
} # RE not matched

Can anyone please suggest what I'm doing wrong?

*OpenSIPS version*:     3.2.3
OS: *Debian 12*

Best regards,
M. Faheem
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