[OpenSIPS-Users] unicode characters in dlg_list caller_contact field on re-invite

Denis Lyubimov typypypym at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 05:34:08 UTC 2024

Hi all,

My network scheme is
softphone <-nat-external network-nat-> opensips <-local network-> sip
servers <-local network-> softphone
No b2b or topology_hiding modules are used.
Opensips versions I tried: 3.4.4-1 and 3.4.3-1.

I make a call from a phone behind nat to sip server via opensips, so I use
the fix_contact function from nat_traversal/fix_nated_contact from
nathelper for each request.
On the first invite I get "caller_contact":
"sip:1002 at;transport=TCP;ob"
in "opensips-cli -x mi dlg_list".
If caller side makes re-invite, then i see this "caller_contact": "\u0001"
for nat_traversal,
and this "caller_contact": "sip:1002 at\ufffd" with nathelper in
In that case dlg_send_sequential mi dialog function cannot be used cause
caller contact cannot be read.

Also if i make a re-invite from the caller side then the caller_contact
field in dlg_list starts looking normal.

Am I doing something wrong with fixing the nated contact field?
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