[OpenSIPS-Users] Accouting EVI Question

Alexander Perkins alexanderhenryperkins at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 16:11:43 UTC 2024

Hi All.  I am using evi for accounting instead of mysql and I am curious
about something.  I noticed that the events being sent in are only the 200
OKs, but I don't see anything else like 503 or 487.  In my cfg script, I
have the following events defined:

event_route [E_ACC_EVENT]
event_route [E_ACC_CDR]
event_route [E_ACC_MISSED_EVENT]

And in my routes, I have the following:

Main route:
do_accounting("evi", "cdr|missed|failed");

Invite Processing
do_accounting("evi", "cdr|missed|failed");

failure_route [2]
        do_accounting("evi", "cdr|missed|failed");

What am I missing?

Thank you,
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