[OpenSIPS-Users] Radius Clinet Issue on OpenSIPs 3.4.9

Ahmed Chohan ahmedmunir007 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 15:49:52 UTC 2024

Hi all,

I've built two servers, one with 3.4.7 and the other with 3.4.9. The OS I'm
using is RHEL9 with radcli package.

On 3.4.7, aaa_radius.so module was missing even radcli was installed on it
however , it was fixed on the later release(s) and I was able to work
around it and make it work.

On both servers' routing scripts, I've set modparam listed below for radius
client configs and files included under /etc/opensips/radcli folder.


# ls /etc/opensips/radcli
client.conf dictionary dictionary.opensips

One thing I've noticed is with 3.4.9, after starting the service, I'm
getting errors listed below, even declaring the file path for the radius
client in the routing script as stated above.

radcli: rc_read_dictionary: rc_read_dictionary couldn't open dictionary
/etc/opensips/radius/dictionary: No such file or directory

radcli: rc_read_config: could not load dictionary
ERROR: aaa_radius:rad_init_prot: failed to open radius config file:

As a workaround, I  copied and created a folder radius from the radcli
folder along with the files and started the service successfully. In my
observation, rc_read_config, rad_init_prot and rc_read_dictionary try to
lookup the files in both directories rather than the one declared in

Is there a fix for this issue (instead of using two folders rather than
one)? Please advise.


Ahmed Munir Chohan
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