[OpenSIPS-Users] question on core statistics.

Johan De Clercq Johan at democon.be
Thu Apr 18 08:32:39 UTC 2024


I have an opensips instance running with 24 worker children.
The worker load is very low.
UDP queues are on 50 megs.

when i query via the OS
cat /proc/net/udp
  sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when
retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode ref pointer drops
  590: 03231D0A:13C4 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 413684019 2 ffff880074820bc0 0
  591: 03231D0A:13C5 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 413766438 2 ffff880465e4a440 0
  592: 03231D0A:13C6 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 412035865 2 ffff8803e5a56b80 0
  934: 01231D0A:151C 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 26790 2 ffff88046c054840 0
  935: 0201FFEF:151D 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 26787 2 ffff88046c054bc0 0
  935: 01231D0A:151D 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 26791 2 ffff88046c0544c0 0
 1972: 00000000:D92A 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 15506 2 ffff88046dce5040 0
 5479: 00000000:E6DD 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 22811 2 ffff880465e4ab40 0
12075: AA0914AC:00A1 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 20572 2 ffff88086d020800 0
12075: 0100007F:00A1 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 20571 2 ffff88086d020b80 0
13320: 00000000:857E 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000   100        0 17515 2 ffff8800368ac780 0
15661: 00000000:CEA3 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000
00000000     0        0 15505 2 ffff8800368acb00 0

=> no drops

what worries me is that there are drop requests and they  go up when I
query via the mi interface
opensipsctl fifo get_statistics drop_requests
core:drop_requests:: 198107
opensipsctl fifo get_statistics drop_requests
core:drop_requests:: 199157
opensipsctl_reg fifo get_statistics drop_requests
core:drop_requests:: 204116

I don't see any memory issue, also the processload is low.

so 3 questions:
- what exactly is drop_request.
- do I need to worry about this
- how can I make them go lower.
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