[OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips and rtpengine_play_media not absorbing ACK

Kevin Kennedy kennedy4260 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 00:54:56 UTC 2023

Looks like if I put t_newtran(); in the main route this created the
transaction and allowed the ACK to be recognized.  Now How do I force
Opensips to send a BYE.

Thank you.

On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 11:44 AM Kevin Kennedy <kennedy4260 at gmail.com>

>>>>>>>> I was able to get audio,  The problem I was having is the
>>>>>>>> Originator string in the SDP.  However, I am still having the same issue
>>>>>>>> with accepting the ACK from the Originator and not resending the 200OK.
>>>>>>>> Can someone please help with this issue?
>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>> *Code snippet for the Late Media route*
>>>>>>>> route["LateMedia3"]{
>>>>>>>>     if (has_body("application/sdp")) {
>>>>>>>>         xlog("######## Entered route LateMedia3 with Fake SDP from
>>>>>>>> Originator ########\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         rtpengine_offer();
>>>>>>>>         $json(reply) := $rtpquery;
>>>>>>>> $var(port)=$json_pretty(reply/tags/$ft/medias[0]/streams[0]/local port);
>>>>>>>> $var(addr)=$json_pretty(reply/tags/$ft/medias[0]/streams[0]/local address);
>>>>>>>>         remove_body_part();
>>>>>>>>         append_to_reply("Contact:<sip:$rU@
>>>>>>>> $socket_in(ip):$socket_in(port);user=phone>\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         append_to_reply("Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         $var(body) = $(rb{re.subst,/(IP4.).*/\1$var(addr)/g});
>>>>>>>>         $var(body) =
>>>>>>>> $(var(body){re.subst,/(audio.)...../\1$var(port)/g});
>>>>>>>>         t_reply_with_body(200, "OK", $var(body));
>>>>>>>>         rtpengine_play_media("call-id=$ci from-tag=$ft
>>>>>>>> file=/etc/rtpengine/unk_num.wav");
>>>>>>>>         async(sleep(10), after_media);
>>>>>>>>      } else {
>>>>>>>>         xlog("######## Entered route LateMedia3 No SDP received,
>>>>>>>> Create one from variable ########\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         $var(newbody) = ("v=0\r\no=Opensips " + $Ts + " 0 IN IP4
>>>>>>>>\r\ns=-\r\nc=IN IP4\r\nt=0 0\r\nm=audio 3140
>>>>>>>> RTP/AVP 0 101\r\na
>>>>>>>> =sendrecv\r\na=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\na=rtpmap:101
>>>>>>>> telephone-event/8000\r\na=fmtp:101 0-15\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         xlog("######################### Body to RTPENGINE is
>>>>>>>> ###########################\r\n$var(newbody)\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         rtpengine_offer("from-tag=$ft replace-session-connection
>>>>>>>> trust-address replace-origin codec-strip-g729",,$var(body),$var(newbody));
>>>>>>>>         xlog("######################### Body from RTPENGINE is
>>>>>>>> ###########################\r\n$var(body)\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         $json(reply) := $rtpquery;
>>>>>>>> $var(port)=$json_pretty(reply/tags/$ft/medias[0]/streams[0]/local port);
>>>>>>>> $var(addr)=$json_pretty(reply/tags/$ft/medias[0]/streams[0]/local address);
>>>>>>>>         append_to_reply("Contact:<sip:$rU@
>>>>>>>> $socket_in(ip):$socket_in(port);transport=udp>\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         append_to_reply("Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         $var(body) =
>>>>>>>> $(var(body){re.subst,/(IP4.).*/\1$var(addr)/g});
>>>>>>>>         $var(body) =
>>>>>>>> $(var(body){re.subst,/(audio.)...../\1$var(port)/g});
>>>>>>>>         xlog("######################### Body being sent in Reply is
>>>>>>>> ######################\r\n$var(body)\r\n");
>>>>>>>>         t_reply_with_body(200, "OK", $var(body));
>>>>>>>>         rtpengine_play_media("call-id=$ci from-tag=$ft
>>>>>>>> file=/etc/rtpengine/unk_num.wav");
>>>>>>>>         async(sleep(10), after_media);
>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> route[after_media]
>>>>>>>>     { if (t_was_cancelled()) {
>>>>>>>>         rtpengine_delete();
>>>>>>>>         exit;
>>>>>>>>     } else {
>>>>>>>>         rtpengine_delete();
>>>>>>>>         sl_send_reply(486,"Busy here");
>>>>>>>>         exit;
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>> }
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