[OpenSIPS-Users] Remove Route Header!

morris edery morrisedery at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 17:06:23 UTC 2023

Hello Team,
I am trying to remove Route Header (seems like preloaded)
remove_hf("Route")  but  it's not being removed.

i tried to put it in several places on the code but no success

  if (is_method("INVITE"))
                  if (is_present_hf("Route"))
                    xlog("removing Route Header: $(hdr(Route)[0])\n");


                    xlog ( "Route Header still present?: $(hdr(Route)[0])\n"

instead of it goes to

    if (loose_route())
                  xlog("L_ERR","Attempt to route with preloaded Route's

                    if (!is_method("ACK")){
                     send_reply("403","Preload Route denied");

opensips 2.4.8

what i am doing wrong ?
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