[OpenSIPS-Users] rtpengine not kernel packet forwarding

John Burke john at voxtelesys.com
Mon Jan 23 13:48:09 UTC 2023

The kernel module still requires a fallback user space rule for the first few packets. Once the user space daemon determines the forwarding rule set, it pushes to the kernel module. The kernel module can then pickup the packets. Their GitHub page has a detailed step by step for this process.

-A INPUT -p udp -j rtpengine
-A rtpengine -p udp -m udp --dport 2223 -m set --match-set allowed-rtp-management src -j ACCEPT
-A rtpengine -p udp -j RTPENGINE --id 0
-A rtpengine -p udp -j ACCEPT

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 23, 2023, at 7:27 AM, Kingsley Tart <kingsley at dns99.co.uk> wrote:
> A rtpengine -p udp -j ACCEPT

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