[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS Summit 2023 - Speaker's lineup (link fixed :))

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Thu Apr 27 16:35:14 UTC 2023


  OpenSIPS Summit

  May 23rd - 26th, 2023

Houston, USA

*Speaker's lineup & Schedule

We bring here the list of speakers and papers 
<https://www.opensips.org/events/Summit-2023Houston/#schedules> - great 
speakers presenting great topics to share experience and knowledge to a 
great audience. Explore here all the details...


*Attend to learn* - the registration process is ongoing, the training 
class is almost full, so hurry up. The/*Corporate Package*/ is available 
with an attractive discount. And remember, the MAY flash sale is 
ongoing, take advantage of it, it is a really good deal.

Register now <https://www.opensips.org/events/Summit-2023Houston/#pricing>




Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
   OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

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