[OpenSIPS-Users] on stir shaken.

Brett Nemeroff brett at nemeroff.com
Fri Apr 21 12:13:19 UTC 2023

STIR/SHAKEN, as it's used today, is not intended to influence the number
presentation. However, if the contents of the passport differ from the rest
of the message, it's likely to be unverified which would be handled
according to local policy. What I'd expect, although it could be different
from carrier to carrier, is that the PAI # would be used, but the call
would go unverified should the passport not match.

Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any other questions.

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 3:47 AM johan <johan at democon.be> wrote:

> Am I correct if I say that stir/shaken has no influence whatsoever on
> number presentation ?
> Let me clarify myself : if present it is still the number in PAI or PPI
> that will be displayed ?
> wkr,
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