[OpenSIPS-Users] How to set auth_db module & db_mysql module work on opensips 3.3

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Wed Sep 7 11:50:22 UTC 2022


If not using the multi-domain stuff, use the "alias" global param to let 
opensips know about the SIP domains to handle.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
OpenSIPS Summit 27-30 Sept 2022, Athens

On 9/7/22 11:52 AM, SparkleZou wrote:
> Hi Bogdan-Andrei,
> Thanks! small mistake :-( "insert into domain(domain) 
> values('sip-server.com <mailto:1000 at sip-server.com>');"
> I want to know opensips inside. So currently I would like to use the 
> last version and set manually.
> One more question here, if I not enable the USE_MULTIDOMAIN, is there 
> a way to set the domain name as "sip-server.com 
> <mailto:1000 at sip-server.com>". instead of IP ""?
> BR,
> Sparkle Zou
> At 2022-09-07 14:49:20, "Bogdan-Andrei Iancu" <bogdan at opensips.org> wrote:
>     Hi Sparkle Zou,
>     If you created the users with the "sip-server.com" domain, then
>     you must be sure your opensips is recognizing that domain by
>     adding it into the "domain" table. So add the FQDN, not the IP.
>     And about the error, note you have a typo there in the name of the
>     table :) - it is "domain", not "domian" :)
>     BTW, maybe you should try to use OpenSIPS Control Panel for doing
>     the DB provisioning http://controlpanel.opensips.org/
>     Regards,
>     Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>     OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>        https://www.opensips-solutions.com
>     OpenSIPS Summit 27-30 Sept 2022, Athens
>        https://www.opensips.org/events/Summit-2022Athens/
>     On 9/7/22 6:31 AM, SparkleZou wrote:
>>     Hi Bogdan-Andrei,
>>     Really thanks! It works now.
>>     Here I'm trying to go further steps.
>>     Try to set the domain name.
>>     only add "opensips-cli -x user add 1000 at sip-server.com S3cureP4s$"
>>     sip-server.com already set to at dns side.
>>     Change at X-lite to use 1000 at sip-server.com
>>     <mailto:1000 at sip-server.com> failed to log in.
>>     Then try to use the USE_MULTIDOMAIN . Generate the script. And
>>     set according to domain Module (opensips.org)
>>     <https://opensips.org/docs/modules/3.3.x/domain.html> as following:
>>     #### DOMAIN module
>>     loadmodule "domain.so"
>>     modparam("domain", "db_url",
>>     "mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost/opensips") # CUSTOMIZE ME
>>     modparam("domain", "db_mode", 0)   # Use caching
>>     modparam("auth_db|usrloc", "use_domain", 1)
>>     modparam("domain", "domain_table", "domain")
>>     modparam("domain", "domain_col", "domain")
>>     modparam("domain", "attrs_col", "attrs")
>>     But got the error "483 Too Many Hops". seems should run command
>>     "insert into domian(domain) values('');" to add the
>>     domain info in the table domain.
>>     But got the following error.
>>     MariaDB [opensips]> insert into domian(domain) values(';
>>     ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'opensips.domian' doesn't exist
>>     Puzzled me.
>>     Please help me. Thanks!
>>     BR,
>>     Sparkle Zou
>>     At 2022-09-06 16:27:10, "Bogdan-Andrei Iancu"
>>     <bogdan at opensips.org> wrote:
>>         Hi SparkleZou,
>>         The issue here is how the password is stored in  DB. As per
>>         the sql dump, the pwd is in pre-computed HA1 format, while
>>         your opensips cfg expects the pwd in plain-text format, see
>>         the `calculate_ha1` and `password_column` modparams for
>>         auth_db module.
>>         For more, see
>>         https://opensips.org/html/docs/modules/3.2.x/auth_db.html#param_calculate_ha1
>>         Regards,
>>         Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>         OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>            https://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>         OpenSIPS Summit 27-30 Sept 2022, Athens
>>            https://www.opensips.org/events/Summit-2022Athens/
>>         On 8/26/22 8:31 AM, SparkleZou wrote:
>>>         Hi All,
>>>         I'm just start to use OpenSips. Already checked the manual.
>>>         Step by Step, here I need help. Thanks! ^_^
>>>         1. Already install Opensips 3.3 successfully refer to
>>>         OpenSIPS 3.1/3.2 Installation Instructions | VoIP School
>>>         <https://www.voip.school/courses/1362752/lectures/31626804>
>>>         2. apt install mariadb-server
>>>         opensips-cli -x database create opensips
>>>         root at opensips:/etc/opensips# mysql opensips -e "show tables"
>>>         +--------------------+ | Tables_in_opensips |
>>>         +--------------------+ | acc | | address | | clusterer | |
>>>         dbaliases | | dialog | | dialplan | | dispatcher | | domain
>>>         | | dr_carriers | | dr_gateways | | dr_groups | |
>>>         dr_partitions | | dr_rules | | grp | | load_balancer | |
>>>         location | | missed_calls | | re_grp | | rtpengine | |
>>>         rtpproxy_sockets | | silo | | speed_dial | | subscriber | |
>>>         tls_mgm | | uri | | usr_preferences | | version |
>>>         +--------------------+
>>>         MariaDB [opensips]> select * FROM subscriber;
>>>         +----+----------+--------------+----------+---------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------+
>>>         | id | username | domain | password | email_address | ha1 |
>>>         ha1_sha256 | ha1_sha512t256 | rpid |
>>>         +----+----------+--------------+----------+---------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------+
>>>         | 1 | 1000 | | | |
>>>         1c77bd7afa5414714be613363977341f |
>>>         a821eb87519b53a8e505184a8798b9300dd1788c32ce59026c6f047d5f0eb717
>>>         |
>>>         1947492ee9de11818d8a54cc5969bd87e5622f412e1b3e1a117ce8c44b936b5d
>>>         | NULL | | 2 | 1001 | | | |
>>>         c3d0ccc517e752190644392e7f0c5d93 |
>>>         b4efb98003f1e5f75ad6ca5ce320a367a430415b9e304ef384e19b969e14ea44
>>>         |
>>>         49a9a44fbb296fed9c7fe9b4e86ef113642d2e911fe34e93742cc249de261d5a
>>>         | NULL |
>>>         +----+----------+--------------+----------+---------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------+
>>>         2 rows in set (0.000 sec)
>>>         accounts 1000 & 1001 are already created in db.
>>>         run /usr/sbin/osipsconfig select ENABLE_TCP & USE_AUTH,
>>>         generate the CFG file.
>>>         ____________________________________________ | | | [*]
>>>         ENABLE_TCP | | [ ] ENABLE_TLS | | [ ] USE_ALIASES | | [*]
>>>         USE_AUTH | | [ ] USE_DBACC | | [ ] USE_DBUSRLOC | | [ ]
>>>         USE_DIALOG | | [ ] USE_MULTIDOMAIN | | [ ] USE_NAT | | [ ]
>>>         USE_PRESENCE | | [ ] USE_DIALPLAN | | [ ] VM_DIVERSION | | [
>>>         ] HAVE_INBOUND_PSTN | | [ ] HAVE_OUTBOUND_PSTN | | [ ]
>>>         |____________________________________________|
>>>         Then start the opensips. But REGISTER get 401 fail message.
>>>         REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0
>>>         Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
>>>         Max-Forwards: 70
>>>         Contact:
>>>         <sip:1000 at;rinstance=69251742e61e3bf0>
>>>         To: "1000"<sip:1000 at>
>>>         From: "1000"<sip:1000 at>;tag=a16e1263
>>>         Call-ID: ZTY2NDZlYjc1ZTE3MGE4ZjI5YzhhZjA4M2IzYTIyZTc.
>>>         CSeq: 1 REGISTER
>>>         Expires: 3600
>>>         User-Agent: X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150
>>>         Content-Length: 0
>>>         SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
>>>         Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
>>>         To:
>>>         "1000"<sip:1000 at>;tag=a42c.30207dd1fda47907656684ceecd519a5
>>>         From: "1000"<sip:1000 at>;tag=a16e1263
>>>         Call-ID: ZTY2NDZlYjc1ZTE3MGE4ZjI5YzhhZjA4M2IzYTIyZTc.
>>>         CSeq: 1 REGISTER
>>>         WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="",
>>>         nonce="Tx723UFoxz9VG6/4szaVxWNyEKleCmoNQbbunbDRcdAA", qop="auth"
>>>         Server: OpenSIPS (3.3.1 (x86_64/linux))
>>>         Content-Length: 0
>>>         The opensips.cfg is attached. Please help check where is the
>>>         problem. Thanks!
>>>         BR,
>>>         SparkleZou
>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>         Users mailing list
>>>         Users at lists.opensips.org
>>>         http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users

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