[OpenSIPS-Users] Mid_registrar forking issue when push notifications enabled

Sugar s.lancret at cpabound.net
Mon Jan 17 20:52:19 UTC 2022

Is there a private place to upload debug log including config (in case some sanitation of sensitive info is missed)? Can you provide where to send? Thanks in advance. And yes it appears the register matching part is not occurring. Can also provide pcap of call when contact is pn enabled on one test extension that is being called as well. Let me know where I can send. And thank you again for responding.Also while the column size was fixed in the usrloc table, the dialog table was not fixed, it still has char(255). I updated my schema to fix it (was using mysql db to save dialogs for testing and possible expansion to two opensips instances in dev environment.
-------- Original message --------From: Liviu Chircu <liviu at opensips.org> Date: 1/17/22  2:11 PM  (GMT-06:00) To: users at lists.opensips.org Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Mid_registrar forking issue when push notifications enabled 
        Answers inline,
    On 17.01.2022 10:18, Sugar wrote:
      The log shows the push notification is successful
        using rest client, 1 second after successful android push
        notification, the client registers but the call is not forked
        (it appears no transaction branch injection occurs).
    So everything worked except for the last
      step: the REGISTER-INVITE matching part.  Could you post some full
      DEBUG logs of a call sequence, including the final Re-REGISTER
      triggered by the PN?  I need to understand why the event_routing
      module is not properly matching that Re-REGISTER to the halted
      Mid_registrar_save params are p0c2f
      Mid_registrar_lookup called with m flag only when
        si is from main registrar.
      Mid registrar mode 2
      Pn enabled with default values.
      E_UL_contact_refresh properly raised
      Usrloc fr_timeout raised to 10 seconds
       pn_process_purr is not enabled.
    Settings "sound" OK.  Perhaps including them
      could help to some degree.  I am actually doing some testing on
      this 3.2.4 code these days as well, so expect more feedback to
      come, as I run through the same flows.
      PS storing call dialog in a database requires the
        contact fields to be changed from char(255) to text when pn
        enabled. It has been really hard trying to find where to alert
        opensips about that. If someone has that info can you let me
        know (ie github, developer list, other support avenue).
    Per the timely suggestions of John Quick,
        this limitation of the DB schema was already fixed and
        backported to 3.1+ five months ago, see here[1].
    Best Regards,
Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com

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