[OpenSIPS-Users] Microsoft teams multi tenancy

Pasan Meemaduma pasan_5 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 3 05:31:05 EST 2021

Hi All,
Sorry for the trouble. issue was beyond opensips. the forwarding asterisk server forks the call to both opensips and to another endpoint, the second endpoint answers the call hence asterisk sends a CANCEL to opensips to cancel the ongoing transaction towards teams which makes sense now, Everything working as expected. 

Thank you.

           Distinguishing What && How ! 

    On Thursday, 2 September 2021, 06:40:16 pm GMT+5:30, Pasan Meemaduma <pasan_5 at yahoo.com> wrote:  
 Hi Guys,
upon further checking I'm seeing opensips sending a CANCEL as while microsoft teams replying with a 100 Trying. Is this I'm missing something for multi-tenancy in opensips config? I can even see a 180 Ringing coming but it appears opensips cancelling the transaction right after it send the INVITE to teams.  Following is my opensips.cfg for aliases. I tried adding the second domain as an alias too, but it has no effect.
Thank you


listen=udp:   # CUSTOMIZE ME

#### Transaction Module
loadmodule "tm.so"
modparam("tm", "fr_timeout", 15)
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timeout", 90)
modparam("tm", "restart_fr_on_each_reply", 0)
modparam("tm", "onreply_avp_mode", 1)
modparam("tm", "via1_matching", 0)
modparam("tm", "ruri_matching", 0)

modparam("tls_mgm", "certificate", "/etc/opensips/tls/default.crt")
modparam("tls_mgm", "private_key","/etc/opensips/tls/default.key")
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "/etc/opensips/tls/ca-default.crt")
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_dir", "/etc/ssl/certs/")
modparam("tls_mgm","verify_cert", "1")
modparam("tls_mgm","require_cert", "1")

modparam("tls_mgm", "server_domain", "dom1=")
modparam("tls_mgm","verify_cert", "[dom1]0")
modparam("tls_mgm","require_cert", "[dom1]1")
modparam("tls_mgm","tls_method", "[dom1]TLSv1_2")
modparam("tls_mgm","certificate", "[dom1]/etc/tls/voippabx.cloud/voippabx.cloud.crt")
modparam("tls_mgm","private_key", "[dom1]/etc/tls/voippabx.cloud/voippabx.cloud.key")
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_list", "[dom1]/etc/tls/voippabx.cloud/voippabx.cloud-ca.crt")
modparam("tls_mgm", "ca_dir", "[dom1]/etc/ssl/certs/")
modparam("tls_mgm", "tls_handshake_timeout", 3000)
modparam("proto_tls", "tls_max_msg_chunks", 4048)

--- fail call log of  inbound call to teams ---

   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tls_update_fd: New fd is 73
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tls_write: write was successful (1240 bytes)
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: after write: c= 0x7fa175ec28e8 n=1240 fd=73
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: buf=
 INVITE sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com SIP/2.0
 Record-Route: <sip:pasanm.voippabx.cloud:5061;transport=tls;ftag=as0e54f44e;lr;r2=on>
 Record-Route: <sip:;ftag=as0e54f44e;lr;r2=on>
 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS a.a.a.a:5061;branch=z9hG4bKa8.655a009.0;i=0599f386
 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS b.b.b.b:5061;received=b.b.b.b;branch=z9hG4bK4449b234;rport=34212
 Max-Forwards: 69
 From: "Private" <sip:0000000000 at b.b.b.b>;tag=as0e54f44e
 To: <sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
 Contact: <sip:0000000000 at b.b.b.b:5061;transport=tls>
 Call-ID: 6f4643c21ba3b6f921fbbbbb63f9ab06 at b.b.b.b:5061
 CSeq: 102 INVITE
 User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 16.2.1~dfsg-1+deb10u2
 Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2021 11:14:53 GMT
 Supported: replaces
 Content-Type: application/sdp
 Content-Length: 339
 o=root 698222221 698222221 IN IP4 b.b.b.b
 s=Asterisk PBX 16.2.1~dfsg-1+deb10u2
 c=IN IP4 b.b.b.b
 t=0 0
 m=audio 11364 RTP/SAVP 8 101
 a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:EQ71mHmln2YJHJn8ujv0J/v+MiH6XJlfv7lSiXsv
 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
 a=fmtp:101 0-16
   [29809] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [0]: 0x7fa175f4c480 (939)
   [29809] DBG:tm:do_t_cleanup: transaction 0x7fa175f4c230 already updated! Skipping update!
   [29809] DBG:tm:t_unref: UNREF_UNSAFE: [0x7fa175f4c230] after is 0
   [29809] DBG:core:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
   [29809] DBG:core:receive_msg: cleaning up
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tls_read_req: tls_read_req end
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tls_read_req: Using the global ( per process ) buff
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tls_update_fd: New fd is 5
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:_tls_read: 460 bytes read
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tcp_handle_req: content-length= 0
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tcp_handle_req: Nothing more to read on TCP conn 0x7fa175ea5000, currently in state 0
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_msg: SIP Request:
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_msg:  method:  <CANCEL>
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_msg:  uri:     <sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_msg:  version: <SIP/2.0>
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK4449b234>; state=6
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 235, <rport> = <n/a>; state=17
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=ffffffffffffffff
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_headers: this is the first via
   [29809] DBG:core:_parse_to: end of header reached, state=10
   [29809] DBG:core:_parse_to: display={}, ruri={sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud}
   [29809] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: <To> [46]; uri=[sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud]
   [29809] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: to body [<sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
   [29809] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <102> <CANCEL>
   [29809] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: content_length=0
   [29809] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: found end of header
   [29809] DBG:core:receive_msg: After parse_msg...
   [29809] DBG:core:receive_msg: preparing to run routing scripts...
   [29809] DBG:maxfwd:is_maxfwd_present: value = 70
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
   [29809] DBG:tm:t_lookupOriginalT: searching on hash entry 138
   [29809] DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction matched, tid=4449b234
   [29809] DBG:tm:t_lookupOriginalT: canceled transaction found (0x7fa175f4c230)!
   [29809] DBG:tm:t_lookupOriginalT: REF_UNSAFE:[0x7fa175f4c230] after is 1
   [29809] DBG:tm:t_lookupOriginalT: t_lookupOriginalT completed
   [29809] DBG:uri:has_totag: no totag
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
   [29809] DBG:tm:t_newtran: transaction on entrance=0xffffffffffffffff
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
   [29809] DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=138, isACK=0
   [29809] DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction matching failed
   [29809] DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: no transaction found
   [29809] DBG:core:MD5StringArray: MD5 calculated: 691657b3333bfaff8b58f9a39aceccad
   [29809] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
   [29809] DBG:core:_shm_resize: resize(0) called
   [29809] DBG:tm:cleanup_uac_timers: RETR/FR timers reset
   [29809] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [2]: 0x7fa175f6d250 (929)
   [29809] DBG:core:tcp_conn_get: con found in state 0
   [29809] DBG:core:tcp_conn_get: tcp connection found (0x7fa175ea5000) already in this process ( 14 ) , fd = 5
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: sending via fd 5...
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tls_update_fd: New fd is 5
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:tls_write: write was successful (415 bytes)
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: after write: c= 0x7fa175ea5000 n=415 fd=5
   [29809] DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: buf=
 SIP/2.0 200 canceling
 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS b.b.b.b:5061;received=b.b.b.b;branch=z9hG4bK4449b234;rport=34212
 From: "Private" <sip:0000000000 at b.b.b.b>;tag=as0e54f44e
 To: <sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>;tag=b731-691657b3333bfaff8b58f9a39aceccad
 Call-ID: 6f4643c21ba3b6f921fbbbbb63f9ab06 at b.b.b.b:5061
 CSeq: 102 CANCEL
 Server: OpenSIPS (2.4.8 (x86_64/linux))
 Content-Length: 0
   [29809] DBG:tm:_reply_light: reply sent out. buf=0x7fa17de3dfa0: SIP/2.0 2..., shmem=0x7fa175f07700: SIP/2.0 2
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_msg: SIP Reply  (status):
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_msg:  version: <SIP/2.0>
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_msg:  status:  <100>
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_msg:  reason:  <Trying>
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
   [29811] DBG:core:_parse_to: end of header reached, state=10
   [29811] DBG:core:_parse_to: display={}, ruri={sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud}
   [29811] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: <TO> [46]; uri=[sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud]
   [29811] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: to body [<sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
   [29811] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: cseq <CSEQ>: <102> <INVITE>
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKa8.655a009.0>; state=6
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 236, <i> = <0599f386>; state=9
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_via: next_via
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 234, <received> = <b.b.b.b>; state=6
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK4449b234>; state=6
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 235, <rport> = <34212>; state=16
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=ffffffffffffffff
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_headers: this is the first via
   [29811] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: content_length=0
   [29811] DBG:core:get_hdr_field: found end of header
   [29811] DBG:core:receive_msg: After parse_msg...
   [29811] DBG:core:forward_reply: found module tm, passing reply to it
   [29811] DBG:tm:t_check: start=0xffffffffffffffff
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=22
   [29811] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=8
   [29811] DBG:tm:t_reply_matching: hash 138 label 151037270 branch 0
   [29811] DBG:tm:t_reply_matching: REF_UNSAFE:[0x7fa175f4c230] after is 1
   [29811] DBG:tm:t_reply_matching: reply matched (T=0x7fa175f4c230)!
   [29811] DBG:tm:t_check: end=0x7fa175f4c230
   [29811] DBG:tm:reply_received: org. status uas=100, uac[0]=0 local=0 is_invite=1)
   [29811] incoming reply: RR=Trying, RS=100, SI= CI=6f4643c21ba3b6f921fbbbbb63f9ab06 at b.b.b.b:5061
   [29811] DBG:tm:build_local: using FROM=<From: "Private" <sip:0000000000 at b.b.b.b>;tag=as0e54f44e
 >, TO=<To: <sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
 >, CSEQ_N=<CSeq: 102>
   [29811] DBG:tm:cancel_branch: sending cancel...
   [29811] DBG:core:tcp_conn_get: con found in state 0
   [29811] DBG:core:tcp_conn_get: tcp connection found (0x7fa175ec28e8) already in this process ( 16 ) , fd = 5
   [29811] DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: sending via fd 5...
   [29811] DBG:proto_tls:tls_update_fd: New fd is 5
   [29811] DBG:proto_tls:tls_write: write was successful (398 bytes)
   [29811] DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: after write: c= 0x7fa175ec28e8 n=398 fd=5
   [29811] DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: buf=
 CANCEL sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com SIP/2.0
 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS a.a.a.a:5061;branch=z9hG4bKa8.655a009.0
 From: "Private" <sip:0000000000 at b.b.b.b>;tag=as0e54f44e
 Call-ID: 6f4643c21ba3b6f921fbbbbb63f9ab06 at b.b.b.b:5061
 To: <sip:+xxxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
 CSeq: 102 CANCEL
 Max-Forwards: 70
 User-Agent: OpenSIPS (2.4.8 (x86_64/linux))
 Content-Length: 0
   [29811] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [0]: 0x7fa175f4c548 (939)
   [29811] DBG:tm:t_should_relay_response: T_code=100, new_code=100
   [29811] DBG:tm:relay_reply: T_state=5, branch=0, save=0, relay=-1, cancel_BM=0
   [29811] DBG:tm:reply_received: FR_INV_TIMER = 90
   [29811] DBG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 90
   [29811] DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [1]: 0x7fa175f4c480 (1014)
 SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
 FROM: "Private"<sip:0000000000 at b.b.b.b>;tag=as5d689a00
 TO: <sip:+61291391361 at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>;tag=e4748eaef0f44bf687956fe76d968596
 CALL-ID: 259311ff6c557c7c53e9a711736311e5 at b.b.b.b:5061
 VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS b.b.b.b:5061;received=b.b.b.b;branch=z9hG4bK502b3c25;rport=34212
 RECORD-ROUTE: <sip:sip-du-a-au.pstnhub.microsoft.com:5061;transport=tls;lr>,<sip:pasanm.voippabx.cloud:5061;transport=tls;ftag=as5d689a00;lr;r2=on>,<sip:;ftag=as5d689a00;lr;r2=on>
 CONTACT: <sip:api-du-a-auea.pstnhub.microsoft.com:443;x-i=f65bd2eb-86c9-4a76-85ea-84f5df8f4635;x-c=595513d129e95e99bf4e9e900b804fe1/s/1/e4f1e971d27f46829c743e805ba58c16>
 SERVER: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2021.8.30.8 i.AUEA.2
DBG:tm:relay_reply: sent buf=0x7fa17de3e820: SIP/2.0 1..., shmem=0x7fa175f768a8: SIP/2.0 1
DBG:tm:reply_received: FR_INV_TIMER = 90
DBG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 90
DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [1]: 0x7fa175f4c480 (1721)
DBG:tm:t_unref: UNREF_UNSAFE: [0x7fa175f4c230] after is 0
DBG:core:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
DBG:core:receive_msg: cleaning up
DBG:proto_tls:tls_read_req: tls_read_req end
 DBG:proto_tls:tls_read_req: Using the global ( per process ) buff
 DBG:proto_tls:tls_update_fd: New fd is 5
 DBG:proto_tls:_tls_read: 460 bytes read
 DBG:proto_tls:tcp_handle_req: content-length= 0
 DBG:proto_tls:tcp_handle_req: Nothing more to read on TCP conn 0x7fa175ea5000, currently in state 0
 DBG:core:parse_msg: SIP Request:
 DBG:core:parse_msg:  method:  <CANCEL>
 DBG:core:parse_msg:  uri:     <sip:+61291391361 at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
 DBG:core:parse_msg:  version: <SIP/2.0>
 DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
 DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK502b3c25>; state=6
 DBG:core:parse_via_param: found param type 235, <rport> = <n/a>; state=17
 DBG:core:parse_via: end of header reached, state=5
 DBG:core:parse_headers: via found, flags=ffffffffffffffff
 DBG:core:parse_headers: this is the first via
 DBG:core:_parse_to: end of header reached, state=10
 DBG:core:_parse_to: display={}, ruri={sip:+61291391361 at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud}
 DBG:core:get_hdr_field: <To> [46]; uri=[sip:+61291391361 at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud]
 DBG:core:get_hdr_field: to body [<sip:+61291391361 at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
 DBG:core:get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <102> <CANCEL>
 DBG:core:get_hdr_field: content_length=0
 DBG:core:get_hdr_field: found end of header
 DBG:core:receive_msg: After parse_msg...
 DBG:core:receive_msg: preparing to run routing scripts...
 DBG:maxfwd:is_maxfwd_present: value = 70
 DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
 DBG:tm:t_lookupOriginalT: searching on hash entry 19441
 DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction matched, tid=502b3c25
 DBG:tm:t_lookupOriginalT: canceled transaction found (0x7fa175f4c230)!
 DBG:tm:t_lookupOriginalT: REF_UNSAFE:[0x7fa175f4c230] after is 1
 DBG:tm:t_lookupOriginalT: t_lookupOriginalT completed
 DBG:uri:has_totag: no totag
 DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
 DBG:tm:t_newtran: transaction on entrance=0xffffffffffffffff
 DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
 DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=78
 DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=19441, isACK=0
 DBG:tm:matching_3261: RFC3261 transaction matching failed
 DBG:tm:t_lookup_request: no transaction found
 DBG:core:MD5StringArray: MD5 calculated: 31453c5e285c477e8c5ea130fd29f816
 DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
 DBG:core:_shm_resize: resize(0) called
 DBG:tm:cleanup_uac_timers: RETR/FR timers reset
 DBG:tm:insert_timer_unsafe: [2]: 0x7fa175f6d250 (1636)
 DBG:core:tcp_conn_get: con found in state 0
 DBG:core:tcp_conn_get: tcp connection found (0x7fa175ea5000) already in this process ( 14 ) , fd = 5
 DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: sending via fd 5...
 DBG:proto_tls:tls_update_fd: New fd is 5
 DBG:proto_tls:tls_write: write was successful (415 bytes)
 DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: after write: c= 0x7fa175ea5000 n=415 fd=5
 DBG:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: buf=
 SIP/2.0 200 canceling
 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS b.b.b.b:5061;received=b.b.b.b;branch=z9hG4bK502b3c25;rport=34212
 From: "Private" <sip:0000000000 at b.b.b.b>;tag=as5d689a00
 To: <sip:+61291391361 at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>;tag=b731-31453c5e285c477e8c5ea130fd29f816
 Call-ID: 259311ff6c557c7c53e9a711736311e5 at b.b.b.b:5061
 CSeq: 102 CANCEL
 Server: OpenSIPS (2.4.8 (x86_64/linux))
 Content-Length: 0

    Distinguishing What && How ! 

    On Wednesday, 1 September 2021, 03:07:59 pm GMT+5:30, Pasan Meemaduma via Users <users at lists.opensips.org> wrote:  
 Hi All,
I hope all of you are well and safe. I was able to setup teams direct routing referring to this blogpost https://blog.opensips.org/2019/09/16/opensips-as-ms-teams-sbc/
When I add a second tenant, incoming calls to the second tenant don't work, as Microsoft teams not responding to the invite. outgoing calls from the second tenant works fine.
I have configured the second tenant using a derived trunk. any idea why following INVITE not respond by Microsoft but later (first tenant INVITE ) works?
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: INVITE sip:+xxxxxxxxxx at sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com SIP/2.0
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Record-Route: <sip:pasanm.voippabx.cloud:5061;transport=tls;ftag=as0e9dc8dc;lr;r2=on>
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Record-Route: <sip:;ftag=as0e9dc8dc;lr;r2=on>
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Via: SIP/2.0/TLS x.x.x.x:5061;branch=z9hG4bKf0c.bd20fe7.0;i=609325e7
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Via: SIP/2.0/TLS y.y.y.y:5061;received=y.y.y.y;branch=z9hG4bK54c25df9;rport=49408
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Max-Forwards: 69
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: From: "Private" <sip:0000000000 at y.y.y.y>;tag=as0e9dc8dc
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: To: <sip:+xxxxxxxxxx at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
Sep  1 17:13:47 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Contact: <sip:0000000000 at y.y.y.y:5061;transport=tls>

Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: INVITE sip:+cccccccccc at sip.pstnhub.microsoft.com SIP/2.0
Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Record-Route: <sip:voippabx.cloud:5061;transport=tls;ftag=as5e20130f;lr;r2=on>
Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Record-Route: <sip:;ftag=as5e20130f;lr;r2=on>
Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Via: SIP/2.0/TLS x.x.x.x:5061;branch=z9hG4bKe5f8.239f87a3.0;i=009325e7
Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Via: SIP/2.0/TLS z.z.z.z:5061;received=z.z.z.z;branch=z9hG4bK7ff0149e;rport=44650
Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Max-Forwards: 69
Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: From: "Extension" <sip:9001 at z.z.z.z>;tag=as5e20130f
Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: To: <sip:+cccccccccc at msteamssbc.voippabx.cloud>
Sep  1 17:17:46 msteams-sbc opensips[26043]: Contact: <sip:9001 at z.z.z.z:5061;transport=tls>
 I only have voippabx.cloud configured as a sbc on first Tenant. As per the above documentation I'm putting correct domain on RR header. Did I miss anything?  Thank you.
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