[OpenSIPS-Users] Presence issue with mid-registrar

Antonis Psaras apsaras at microbase.gr
Sat Sep 4 06:18:10 EST 2021

Hello Team

I have the following OpenSIPS 2.4 setup

OpenSIPs in mid registrar and presence <-> Asterisk

OpenSIPs is in multi home setup with public / private networks and Asterisk 
only on private.

When Asterisk dials an extension which is registered through OpenSIPs, 
OpenSIPs does not send NOTIFY to SUBSCRIBERS.

Any suggestion?


Antonis Psaras

14 Iteas Str., Argyroupoli, 16452, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30.21200.05300 | Fax: +30.21200.05800

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