[OpenSIPS-Users] Some mi commands missing in opensips-cli

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Tue May 18 14:52:46 EST 2021

On 18.05.2021 17:20, John Quick wrote:
> Some of the commands that were available in opensipsctl, I am struggling to
> find the equivalent available in opensips-cli:
>   "show" commands for address, domain, db etc.  Now there is only "dump"
>   Commands to manipulate or show the data used in the alias_db module
>   Commands to add data to domain, drouting, address

Hi, John!

Instead of "ul show", you can now run "mi ul_dump", which is equivalent.

DB provisioning via "opensips-cli" has never been there and the subject 
has been debated here [1].  In short: the plan is to solely rely on the 
Control Panel for the provisioning, giving the finite amount of code 
maintenance power that's available.  This way, each tool does what it's 
best at.

Best Regards,

[1]: https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips-cli/issues/20

Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu  |www.opensips-solutions.com
OpenSIPS eBootcamp 2021 |www.opensips.org/training

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