[OpenSIPS-Users] Config script - Opensips + RTPProxy + Freeswitch on EC2

HS bullehs at gmail.com
Mon May 17 07:20:40 EST 2021

Hi all.

I keep writing from time to time asking for help as a newbie to Opensips.
Somehow trial and error makes things work. I wanted to know if there's a
book/tutorial available to understand how the .cfg file and script works
and all the variables involved. Specifically trying to do the following on
an Amazon EC2 setup:

1. Call centre implementation (I have the modules etc. setup),
2. Enable IVR,
3. Enable Conferencing,
4. Enable Voicemail,
5. Enable Push Notifications.

I understand a lot of it has to do with Freeswitch (I have read the old
tutorial) - and would like to understand how the routing aspect would work.

Thanks again.
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