[OpenSIPS-Users] [BLOG] Getting Started With Diameter In OpenSIPS 3.2

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Thu Jun 17 09:04:27 EST 2021

Hi folks,

Our latest blog post [1] (10-minute read) features a thorough 
description of the Diameter protocol, the freeDiameter open-source 
project and how we integrated all of these into OpenSIPS 3.2 to offer 
accounting, authentication and future IMS capabilities.

The blog also links to a detailed tutorial [2] on how you can set it up 
on your own and give it a test!

[2]: https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Tutorials-Diameter-AAA


Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com
OpenSIPS Summit 2021 Distributed | www.opensips.org/events

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