[OpenSIPS-Users] sipmsg_validate regression between 3.1.2 and 3.1.3

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Mon Jul 19 09:17:53 EST 2021

On 19.07.2021 12:00, Alain Bieuzent wrote:
> As I understand, the call is drop because in RURI the domain part is 
> not an IP address, ex :
> INVITE sip:0123456789 at sbc.mydomain.com SIP/2.0, is not working on 
> 3.1.3 but work on 3.1.2
> INVITE sip:0123456789 at SIP/2.0, is working on 3.1.3 and 3.1.2

Indeed, this issue was fixed two weeks ago [1], so _after_ the 3.1.3 
tag.  So you either have to wait ~1 more month for the 3.1.4 tag, or 
install from nightly 3.1 packages and grab the fix right away.

[1]: https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/commit/02e9b853994789a1e2

Best Regards,

Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com
OpenSIPS Summit 2021 Distributed | www.opensips.org/events

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