[OpenSIPS-Users] v3.1 Active/Active maintain active calls on node failure
Social Boh
social at bohboh.info
Tue Jan 19 16:00:21 EST 2021
I think your best option is KeepAlived; on keepalived configuration you
declare a script name where you execute:
/usr/local/bin/opensips-cli -x mi clusterer_shtag_set_active vip/3
to switch VIP TAG from one server to other.
In this case BYE go to the right place.
If anyone want translate from spanish to english, I have a complete
tutorial for OpenSIPs 3.1
I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
El 19/01/2021 a las 10:40 a. m., Kevin Wormington escribió:
> I’m not using RTPEngine…the upstream proxies are handling all media,
> NAT traversal, etc. so the OpenSIPS instances can always reach the
> endpoints. I’m using clusterer module to share the user location and
> dialogs with different active tags per node. There is zero loss of
> media on switch-over and sometimes a little longer PDD for new calls
> during switchover until the upstream proxies detect the instance down.
> The only part I can’t seem to get to work is handling the final BYE
> for calls that were on the failed node originally. The re-invite
> ping will correct end them but would like to be able to fix it
> completely…but maybe that is not currently possible.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
>> On Jan 19, 2021, at 9:31 AM, Social Boh via Users
>> <users at lists.opensips.org <mailto:users at lists.opensips.org>> wrote:
>> To switch calls from one server to another you have to use redis and
>> rptengine using HA with pacemaker y corosync.
>> You must have two OpenSIPs, Two RTPEngine, Two Redis servers
>> (primary-replica) Two Mariad servers (primary/primary)
>> With redis you can save calls data (ip, ports, callid) on active
>> server and then use these data on the replica server when swithc to
>> active. On my tests, when switching from a server to another I have
>> between 5 and 10 seconds without audio.
>> Regards
>> ---
>> I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
>> El 19/01/2021 a las 10:00 a. m., Kevin Wormington escribió:
>>> I’m not using a VIP and I have made some progress by setting a
>>> different active tag on each node…then upon node failure setting the
>>> failed node's tag to active on remaining node. This lets the
>>> re-invite pinging work, etc. It’s almost there but the handling of
>>> the BYE…they are still sent to the IP of the failed node even after
>>> re-invite pings so any in-progress calls from the failed node are
>>> zombie when they hang up until the re-invite ping times out (30
>>> seconds). I found an article about initiating a re-invite on the
>>> new node with something like "opensips-cli -x mi dlg_send_sequential
>>> callid="442CB6C1-6005F8B80009DA08-FC731700" mode=challenge
>>> body=outbound” but that either seems to terminate the call
>>> immediately or say the dialog wasn’t found.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kevin
>>>> On Jan 19, 2021, at 8:46 AM, Andy Dierlam <adierlam at ptgi-ics.com
>>>> <mailto:adierlam at ptgi-ics.com>> wrote:
>>>> With dialog writing to db that both servers use. And same tag on
>>>> both - modparam("dialog", "dlg_sharing_tag", "vip1=active")
>>>> had this working on opensips 2.4
>>>> thanks
>>>> Andy
>>>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 2:30 PM Kevin Wormington
>>>> <kworm at missouri-telecom.com <mailto:kworm at missouri-telecom.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've been attempting to get a two node active/active setup to work
>>>> with the v3.1 clusterer module sharing usrloc and dialog. The
>>>> setup is fronted by a proxy that handles all of the NAT/media so
>>>> either OpenSIPS instance can communicate directly with the user.
>>>> What I have working so far:
>>>> Registrations and calls work when sent to either node and if you
>>>> stop OpenSIPS on a node new calls work fine using the other node.
>>>> What I can’t get to work:
>>>> Calls that are already in progress to switch between nodes when one
>>>> node fails.
>>>> I have messed around with various sharing tags…no tag, same tag,
>>>> different tags but haven’t had any luck. I’m guessing that I’m
>>>> missing something to trigger the remaining node to send re-invites.
>>>> Has anyone attempted this type of setup and have any ideas?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kevin
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