[OpenSIPS-Users] Gracefully handling bad from header

Calvin Ellison calvin.ellison at voxox.com
Thu Apr 15 17:47:24 EST 2021

I would like to more gracefully handle non-RFC compliant From headers. Is
it possible to fix them with regex or a string replacement so I can process

Most often the misbehavior is a space in the user part:

<sip:redacter Coredact@
<sip:redact0330 @

Other times there's an unclosed double quote on the friendly-name part or
some kind of non-printing character in the friendly-name or user part. It's
garbage that will ultimately be rejected, but the failure to parse is
preventing me from logging the offending trunk ID in the 'otg=' parameter
of the From header.

opensips 3.1.1 (x86_64/linux) with commit to remove unnecessary regex

Here's the error followed by xlog $mb

Apr 15 15:26:24  /usr/sbin/opensips[13864]: ERROR:core:parse_from_header:
bad from header
Apr 15 15:26:24  /usr/sbin/opensips[13864]: ERROR:core:pv_get_from_attr:
cannot parse From header
Apr 15 15:26:24  /usr/sbin/opensips[13864]: INVITE sip:redact at redact:5060
SIP/2.0#015#012Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
<sip:sansay2313795380rdb15209 at redact:5060;lr;transport=udp>#015#012To:
<sip:redact at redact>#015#012From: <sip:redact0330
ers-1718949283-0-660497714 at redact#015#012CSeq: 1 INVITE#015#012Contact:
<sip:redact0330 @redact:5060>#015#012P-Asserted-Identity:
<sip:redact0330%20 at redact;user=phone>#015#012Remote-Party-ID:
<sip:redact0330%20 at redact>;privacy=off;screen=yes#015#012Max-Forwards:
63#015#012Content-Length: 0#015#012#015#012


*Calvin Ellison*
Systems Architect
calvin.ellison at voxox.com
+1 (213) 285-0555

*voxox.com <http://www.voxox.com/> *
5825 Oberlin Drive, Suite 5
San Diego, CA 92121
[image: Voxox]
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