[OpenSIPS-Users] rl_check some pipe are missing.

Alain Bieuzent alain.bieuzent at free.fr
Mon Sep 21 08:15:55 EST 2020

Hi All,


We are using ratelimit module with opensips 3.0.3.

Since we migrate from 2.4.7 to 3.0.3, the data export with opensips-cli are strange, there is some data missing.


For example we put this rl_check at the same part of the code (to exclude an issue with $avp(cps), with add 2 more check with a fix value)


    rl_check("IP-$si", $(avp(cps){s.int}), "TAILDROP");             

    rl_check("IP2-$si",9999 , "TAILDROP");                      

    rl_check("IP3-$si",10000 , "TAILDROP");                      


when we export the value with opensips cli, we don’t have the same number of pipe :


opensips-cli -x mi rl_list | grep IP- | wc -l &&  opensips-cli -x mi rl_list | grep IP2- | wc -l && opensips-cli -x mi rl_list | grep IP3- | wc -l





Any idea ?



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