[OpenSIPS-Users] New MediaProxy release 4.0.4

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Sat Nov 21 13:27:53 EST 2020


There is a new MediaProxy release compatible with Python 3.

The binary .deb package is available for Debian Sid in AG Projects Debian repository.

To install or upgrade see instructions from:


mediaproxy (4.0.4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Migration to Python 3
  * Fixed checking relay passport
  * Fix for fetching statistics 
  * Added gracefull shutdown option to systemd unit using reload command
  * Remove invalid argument to loseConnection
  * Fix removing expired sessions
  * Add SIP call-id to logging
  * Improve logging at start
  * Added libiptc-dev build dependency
  * Log which dispatchers will be used
  * Use local logger for traffic
  * Log call statistics
  * Fixed logging of radius configurations
  * Improve log line for used TLS certificate 
  * Allow use of configured dispatchers in Thor mode
  * Added logs about TLS certificates loaded at start
  * Log remote certificate common name for all TLS connections
  * Fixed sending back expired event to dispatcher


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