[OpenSIPS-Users] I am facing some issue while creating DB through opensips-cli .

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Fri Nov 20 10:47:41 EST 2020

On 20.11.2020 12:43, Sasmita Panda wrote:
> DEBUG: DB 'opensips' exists
> DEBUG: Creating standard tables
> DEBUG: checking tables: acc alias_db auth_db avpops clusterer dialog 
> dialplan dispatcher domain drouting group load_balancer msilo 
> permissions rtpproxy rtpengine speeddial tls_mgm usrloc

OK, it seems your "default.cfg" file is not picked up, so the CLI uses 
its built-in paths:

* "database_schema_path = /usr/share/opensips", which probably points to 
some 2.4 scripts ("uri" table?!)
* "database_modules" is missing, so it's using the "standard" list of tables

Please move that "default.cfg" file to the proper path, or specify it as 
an argument.  It is the 1st thing mentioned in the documentation [1]

Happy hacking,

[1]: https://github.com/opensips/opensips-cli#configuration

Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com

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