[OpenSIPS-Users] Opensips-cp 8.3.0 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request..

mrsanvicente mrsanvicente at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 06:42:35 EST 2020

Hi Ovidiu,

Thanks for taking the time for explaining.  I am sure some of us can take advantage of

Mario San Vicente
Best regards

> El 3 nov 2020, a la(s) 22:51, Ovidiu Sas <osas at voipembedded.com> escribió:
> Hello Mario,
> If you have CP working fine, you don't really need mi_html.
> If you want to have it as an alternative, load the module and set a
> new root path:
> modparam("mi_html", "root", "opensips_mi")
> Then you should be able to access the embedded management interface
> via http://[OPENSIPS_HTTPD_IP]:[OPENSIPS_HTTPD_PORT]/opensips_mi
> This interface has nothing to do with CP. It's an alternative to
> opensipsctl, opensips-cli or CP (for dispatching management commands
> to opensips). The module was written to provide easy access to mi
> commands using a web browser (using the embedded web server from
> opensips - no need to use a dedicated web server).
> The old name of the module was mi_http and was renamed to mi_html.
> The old mi_json was renamed to mi_http.
> No more mi_json, welcome mi_html and mi_http was "rebranded":
> mi_json [v<=2.4.x] -> mi_http [v>=3.0.x]
> mi_http [v<=2.4.x] -> mi_html [v>=3.0.x]
> This created some confusion when migrating from pre 2.4.x to post
> 3.0.x opensips versions.
> Clear as mud? :)
> Hope this helps,
> Ovidiu
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 4:59 PM Mario San Vicente <mrsanvicente at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Răzvan /  Ovidiu,
>> After disabling mi_html, my CP is working fine, i will be enabling more modules on it.   Thanks for your help!
>> Ovidiu,   It would be good to have both portals running,but  i am not getting to work the following comment:
>> "If you want to keep mi_html, then set a different root path: #modparam("mi_html", "root", "osips_mi")  ", any other hint?
>> Thank you!
>>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 8:22 AM Ovidiu Sas <osas at voipembedded.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Mario,
>>> It seems that you have both mi_http and mi_html modules loaded.
>>> By default, both modules have the root path set to mi and one of the
>>> modules is stealing the root path from the other.
>>> In your case, when you hit http://x.x.x.x:8888/mi , you are hitting a
>>> standalone management interface that is not part of opensips-cp. It's
>>> an alternative way to run mi commands through a web interface.
>>> If you want to have only opensips-cp, then umload mi_html.
>>> If you want to keep mi_html, then set a different root path:
>>> #modparam("mi_html", "root", "osips_mi")
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Ovidiu
>>> On Sat, Oct 31, 2020 at 1:58 PM Mario San Vicente
>>> <mrsanvicente at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello  Răzvan ,
>>>> I was wrong with my diagnosis, cause i stopped receiving the http / 400 error.  But when trying to monitor calls i see that the portal is not reflecting the real info, i tested dialogs and rtpproxy.
>>>> I do see the json reply on a trace, but it is not updated on the portal:
>>>> T -> [AP] #137
>>>>  POST /mi HTTP/1.1..Host: */*..Content-Type: application/json..Content-Length: 49....{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"rtpproxy_
>>>>  show"}"id......._";i#4
>>>> #
>>>> T -> [A] #138
>>>>  ......._..k#)...
>>>> #
>>>> T -> [AP] #139
>>>>  HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Content-Length: 136..Content-Type: application/json..Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 17:34:22 GMT....{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[{"Set":0,"Nodes
>>>>  ":[{"url":"udp:localhost:2123","index":0,"disabled":0,"weight":1,"recheck_ticks":0}]}],"id":1}.........._..k#4
>>>> --------------------------------
>>>> T -> [AP] #204
>>>>  POST /mi HTTP/1.1..Host: */*..Content-Type: application/json..Content-Length: 78....{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"dlg_list"
>>>>  ,"params":{"index":0,"counter":20}}............._J.
>>>> #
>>>> T -> [A] #205
>>>>  @......_........
>>>> #
>>>> T -> [AP] #206
>>>>  HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Content-Length: 58..Content-Type: application/json..Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 17:42:14 GMT....{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"count":0,"Dialo
>>>>  gs":[]},"id":1}........._4...4.
>>>> Aside notes:
>>>> When enabling this line #modparam("mi_http", "root", "opensips_mi") , i can see the mi portal.  http://x.x.x.x:8888/mi , which has lots of aditional info,  but i have to disable it to get the json response and just get an http response pointing to the mi interface:
>>>> T -> [AP] #256
>>>>  HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Content-Length: 1886..Content-Type: text/html..Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 17:55:45 GMT....<html><head><title>OpenSIPS Management Interface
>>>>  </title><style type="text/css">body{margin:0;}body,p,div,td,th,tr,form,ol,ul,li,input,textarea,select,a{font-family:"lucida grande",verdana,geneva,aria
>>>>  l,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:14px;}a:hover{text-decoration:none;}a{text-decoration:underline;}.foot{padding-top:40px;font-size:10px;color:#333333;}
>>>>  .foot a{font-size:10px;color:#000000;}table.center{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}</style><meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0"><meta http-equiv=
>>>>  "Pragma" content="no-cache"><link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="https://opensips.org/favicon.png"></head>.<body alink="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff" l
>>>>  ink="#000000" text="#000000" vlink="#000000"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%%" border="0"><tr bgcolor="#BBDDFF"><td colspan=2 valign
>>>>  ="top" align="left" bgcolor="#EFF7FF" width="100%%"><br/><h2 align="center">OpenSIPS MI HTML Interface</h2><p align="center">OpenSIPS (3.1.0-dev (x86_6
>>>>  4/linux)) is running since <i>Sat Oct 31 11:55:35 2020</i></p><br/></td></tr></table>.<center>.<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tbody
>>>>> <tr>.<td><a href='/mi/statistics'>statistics</a><td>.<td><a href='/mi/core'>core</a><td>.<td><a href='/mi/blacklists'>blacklists</a><td>.<td><a href='
>>>>  /mi/httpd'>httpd</a><td>.<td><a href='/mi/tm'>tm</a><td>.<td><a href='/mi/usrloc'>usrloc</a><td>.<td><a href='/mi/dialog'>dialog</a><td>.<td><a href='/
>>>>  mi/nathelper'>nathelper</a><td>.<td><a href='/mi/rtpproxy'>rtpproxy</a><td>.<td><a href='/mi/db_text'>db_text</a><td>.<td><a href='/mi/drouting'>drouti
>>>>  ng</a><td>.</tr></tbody></table>..</center>.<div align="center" class="foot" style="margin:20px auto"><span style='margin-left:5px;'></span><a href="ht
>>>>  tps://opensips.org">OpenSIPS web site</a><br/>Copyright © 2011-2015 <a href="http://www.voipembedded.com/">VoIP Embedded, Inc.</a>. All rights res
>>>>  erved.</div></body></html>.......!.._X.t.4
>>>> Thank in advace.
>>>> On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 8:45 PM Mario San Vicente <mrsanvicente at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello  Răzvan ,
>>>>> Thanks alot, that made the trick.
>>>>> I will check if something is not matching with the monit page cause that is not working ,  but that's another story.
>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>> Mario
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 3:49 AM Răzvan Crainea <razvan at opensips.org> wrote:
>>>>>> As I see in your logs, OpenSIPS CP uses the `json` URL path for querying
>>>>>> MI, whereas the default root path is `mi`[1]. Either change the `root`
>>>>>> to `json`, or modify your OpenSIPS CP boxes config to `mi`.
>>>>>> [1] https://opensips.org/docs/modules/3.1.x/mi_http.html#param_root
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Răzvan Crainea
>>>>>> OpenSIPS Core Developer
>>>>>> http://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>>>>> On 10/28/20 11:23 PM, Mario San Vicente wrote:
>>>>>>>   Thanks for the answer Johan,
>>>>>>> But i see that; the *mi_json* module has been renamed to
>>>>>>> *mi_http* module.  and so: failed to load module mi_json.so
>>>>>>> https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Migration-2-4-0-to-3-0-0
>>>>>>> I am using opensips 3.1
>>>>>>> I have this modules:
>>>>>>> loadmodule "httpd.so"
>>>>>>> modparam("httpd", "port", 8888)
>>>>>>> #### MI_HTTP module
>>>>>>> loadmodule "json.so"
>>>>>>> #loadmodule "mi_json.so"
>>>>>>> loadmodule "mi_http.so"
>>>>>>> Any other clue?
>>>>>>> Thank you
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Mario San Vicente
>>>>> Cheers!
>>>> --
>>>> Mario San Vicente
>>>> Cheers!
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>> Mario San Vicente
>> Cheers!
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