[OpenSIPS-Users] trouble migrating from 3.0 to 3.1 with drouting.

johan johan at democon.be
Tue Mar 31 17:23:01 EST 2020

Hi guys when I call do_routing in opensips 3.1. I have :

Mar 31 16:52:25 hendrix /data/opensips/sbin/opensips[20886]: 
callid=hxj~vmgW54: route[drouting]: let's find the group for drouting 
based on fU 33757936420
Mar 31 16:52:25 hendrix /data/opensips/sbin/opensips[20886]: 
DBG:core:pv_printf: final buffer length 102
Mar 31 16:52:25 hendrix /data/opensips/sbin/opensips[20886]: 
callid=hxj~vmgW54: route[drouting]: fU 33757936420 does not start with 
32460, we put var(group) 1 to 1

Mar 31 16:52:25 hendrix /data/opensips/sbin/opensips[20886]: 
DBG:drouting:do_routing: empty routing table
Mar 31 16:52:25 hendrix /data/opensips/sbin/opensips[20886]: 
DBG:core:pv_printf: final buffer length 51
Mar 31 16:52:25 hendrix /data/opensips/sbin/opensips[20886]: 
callid=hxj~vmgW54: route[drouting]: drouting failed

script part :

     xlog("callid=$ci: route[drouting]: let's find the group for 
drouting based on fU $fU");
         xlog("callid=$ci: route[drouting]: fU $fU starts with 32460, we 
put var(group) $var(group) to 2");
         xlog("callid=$ci: route[drouting]: fU $fU does not start with 
32460, we put var(group) $var(group) to 1");
         xlog("callid=$ci: route[drouting]: drouting failed");
         sl_send_reply(500,"no routes!!!");

olddb :

select * from dr_rules;
| ruleid | groupid | prefix | timerec | priority | routeid | gwlist | 
attrs          | description |
|      4 | 1       |        |         |        0 |         | 32     | 
BICS           |             |
|      7 | 2       |        |         |        0 |         | 32460  | 
Belgian mobile |             |

select * from dr_rules;
| ruleid | groupid | prefix | timerec | priority | routeid | gwlist | 
attrs          | description |
|      4 | 1       |        |         |        0 |         | 32     | A 
        |             |
|      7 | 2       |        |         |        0 |         | 32460  | B  
|             |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
lect * from dr_gateways
     -> ;
| id | gwid  | type | address              | strip | pri_prefix | attrs 
| probe_mode | state | socket | description                      |
|  1 | 32    |    2 | |     0 | |       |          
0 |     0 |        | A |
|  5 | -1    |    1 | |     1 | |       |          
0 |     0 |        | Inbound from B               |
|  7 | 32460 |    1 | |     0 | |       |          
0 |     0 |        | C|
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from dr_groups;
| id | username | domain                 | groupid | 
description                  |
|  3 | 1        | abcc|       1 | Default group for |
|  5 | 1        | yourdomain.net         |       2 | BICS 
mobile                  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

new db :

| ruleid | groupid | prefix | timerec | priority | routeid | gwlist | 
sort_alg | sort_profile | attrs          | description |
|      4 | 1       |        |         |        0 |         | 32     | 
N        |            0 | A       |             |
|      7 | 2       |        |         |        0 |         | 32460  | 
N        |            0 | B      |             |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
select * from dr_gateways;
| id | gwid  | type | address              | strip | pri_prefix | attrs 
| probe_mode | state | socket | description                      |
|  1 | 32    |    2 | |     0 | |       |          
0 |     0 |        | A                           |
|  5 | -1    |    1 | |     1 | |       |          
0 |     0 |        | Inbound from B              |
|  7 | 32460 |    1 | |     0 | |       |          
0 |     0 |        | C|
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
select * from dr_groups;
| id | username | domain                 | groupid | 
description                  |
|  3 | 1        | abc                             |       1 | Default 
group for |
|  5 | 1        | yourdomain.net         |       2 | BICS 
mobile                  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from dr_carriers;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

select * from dr_partitions;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

so dr_rules has changed.

can somebody please point out what is wrong with my datafill ?

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