[OpenSIPS-Users] How to get the name-addr within a From header?

Gordon Yeong anexiole at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 06:53:22 EST 2020

Hi guys,

I looked up RFC 3261 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3261>. and the from-spec
(page 229) says:

from-spec   =  ( name-addr / addr-spec )
               *( SEMI from-param )

I have the following FROM tag in a SIP header.
"Mr Invite-R-Us <sip:12345688 at>;tag=784"

In my opensips.cfg, I got the following results using the compact forms, m
and f

$var(CALLING2)=$hdr(m); --> printed out <sip:sipp at
$var(CALLING3)=$hdr(f);  --> printed out Mr Invite-R-Us <
sip:12345688 at>;tag=784

I have looked through the RFC document again but could not find  how one
could get the "name-addr" (ie. " 12345688"). I have also looked through the
Opensips Core variable documentation.

Can anyone please tell me how to get the name-addr within a From header?
What is the attribute name or compact form?

Thank you

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