[OpenSIPS-Users] Doubt about MID_REGISTRAR module

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Tue Jan 28 06:05:18 EST 2020

On 28.01.2020 13:03, Alexey Kazantsev via Users wrote:
> Hmm.. I checked our configs and saw that REGISTER messages go
> through OpenSIPS (mode 2) and ip address in Contact header
> remains unchanged...

Possible causes:

* you are using some old OpenSIPS version
* you are calling save() and not mid_registrar_save()
* you actually found a bug: if you could provide a minimal opensips.cfg 
+ pcap
   of such a REGISTER, I'll gladly review them


Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com

OpenSIPS Summit, Amsterdam, May 2020
OpenSIPS Bootcamp, Miami, March 2020

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