[OpenSIPS-Users] flags

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Wed Jan 22 03:55:49 EST 2020

On 22.01.2020 00:40, volga629 via Users wrote:
> In latest master what change is require right now to accommodate all 
> flags functions. Script file test produce
> if(isflagset(FLAG_FROM_PEER)) {

Hi, Volga!

The answer is: isflagset("FLAG_FROM_PEER")

In short: we tried to make the language more consistent, and got rid of
the last bits of non-quoted identifiers.  This is actually part of an 
effort, which actually started in 2.4, where we took down the unintuitive
"if (from_uri == myself)" syntax, among with others.

Best regards,

Liviu Chircu
www.twitter.com/liviuchircu | www.opensips-solutions.com

OpenSIPS Summit, Amsterdam, May 2020
OpenSIPS Bootcamp, Miami, March 2020

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