[OpenSIPS-Users] Help with rtpproxy on a multihomed host.

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Wed Jan 8 07:07:24 EST 2020

Hi Matthew;

If I understand correctly, the SIP signaling work fine for you and the 
problem is only with the media. IF so, be sure you configured rtpproxy 
for bridging mode (to use both interfaces you have on the server). Even 
more when invoking rtpptoxy from the opensips script, you need to 
instruct rtpproxy which interface to use for the A party and B party - 
see the 'i' and 'e' flags for rtpproxy_engage() - 

And you do not need b2b here.

Best regards,

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
OpenSIPS Summit, Amsterdam, May 2020
OpenSIPS Bootcamp, Miami, March 2020

On 1/8/20 3:18 AM, Matthew Schumacher wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to setup an SBC of sorts so that I can have users 
> authenticate to opensips using a public interface, then have opensips 
> relay and rtpproxy that request to a private sip host.
> Something like this:
> public sip client ---(proxy authetication)--> aa.aa.aa.aa bb.bb.bb.bb  
> ----(sip trunk auth by ip) --->  cc.cc.cc.cc (inside sip gateway)
> Where aa.aa.aa.aa and bb.bb.bb.bb live on the same host.
> I used osipsconfig with use_auth, use_dbacc, use_dbusrloc, use_dialog, 
> use_multidomain, use_dialplan, have_inbound_pstn, have_outbound_pstn
> I then took the config it created and added rtpproxy module and config 
> as well as force_send_socket() because when it sent sip to cc.cc.cc.c 
> it was sourcing from aa.aa.aa.aa instead of bb.bb.bb.bb.
> It almost works, and actually works with one way audio from 
> cc.cc.cc.cc through the proxy to the client, but opensips tells the 
> client that the audio is at cc.cc.cc.cc which doesn't route.
> What's the best way to do multi homing?  opensips seems fairly 
> straight forward with a single IP address, but things got complicated 
> fast when I added a second IP.
> I would just use b2b_init_request("top hiding"); but I get lots of 
> loops when I do that.
> Thanks,
> Matt

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