[OpenSIPS-Users] Access to listen/advertised IP Addresses

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Mon Apr 27 14:38:05 EST 2020

Hi Mark,

Only fixes are backported to the existing releases, so these new 
variables are available only starting 3.1

Best regards,

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 4/27/20 4:30 PM, Mark Farmer wrote:
> Hi Bogdan
> That looks great! Exactly what I was looking for :)
> Will this be available in 3.1 only? My solution currently uses 2.4 but 
> I'm hoping to be able to upgrade it to 3.1 before go live.
> Nice work and thank you.
> Mark.
> On Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 11:49, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org 
> <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Mark,
>     check these new variables $socket_in() and $socket_out() in 3.1
>     https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Script-CoreVar-3-1#socket_in
>     https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Script-CoreVar-3-1#socket_out
>     Regards,
>     Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>     OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>        https://www.opensips-solutions.com
>     On 4/7/20 7:29 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>>     No need, just use in script, where ever you need
>>     $socket_in(advertised_ip) and it will be evaluated for the
>>     current socket (used for receiving the request)
>>     Regardsm
>>     Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>     OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>        https://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>     OpenSIPS Summit, Amsterdam, May 2020
>>        https://www.opensips.org/events/Summit-2020Amsterdam/
>>     On 4/7/20 6:56 PM, Mark Farmer wrote:
>>>     I was thinking something like:
>>>     modparam("cfgutils", "varset", "extip=s:$in_socket.advertised_ip")
>>>     On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 at 14:40, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>     <bogdan at opensips.org <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>>>         Hi Mark,
>>>         ingenious solution :)
>>>         In regards to the proposed solution, I do not understand the
>>>         question about varset (cfgutils), as there is no relation
>>>         between the script vars and these new $socket vars. Maybe
>>>         I'm missing something from your question.
>>>         Regards,
>>>         Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>         OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>>            https://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>>         OpenSIPS Summit, Amsterdam, May 2020
>>>            https://www.opensips.org/events/Summit-2020Amsterdam/
>>>         On 4/7/20 2:10 PM, Mark Farmer wrote:
>>>>         Hi Bogdan
>>>>         The root of my issue is that I need 2 variables containing
>>>>         the IP's of my 2 interfaces (mhomed=yes) but the advertised
>>>>         address of the NAT'd DMZ interface while keeping changes
>>>>         per server to a bare minimum to ease deployment.
>>>>         I actually solved my issue by using include_file and using
>>>>         cfgutils to set 2 script variables. So now all deployment
>>>>         changes are confined to a much simpler/smaller file.
>>>>         However, the proposed changes would make things even nicer.
>>>>         Would cfgutils be able to accept those variables as
>>>>         parameters to the 'varset' function?
>>>>         Regards
>>>>         Mark.
>>>>         On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 at 11:44, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>>         <bogdan at opensips.org <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>>>>             Hi guys,
>>>>             Maybe adding a new core variable like $in_socket.XXXX,
>>>>             to give access to various fields, like $in_socket.ip,
>>>>             $in_socket.port, $in_socket.advertised_ip, etc. This
>>>>             will replace the $Ri and $Rp
>>>>             And we can also add $out_socket, that will similarly
>>>>             replace the $fs (forced socket)
>>>>             Regards,
>>>>             Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>>             OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>>>                https://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>>>             OpenSIPS Summit, Amsterdam, May 2020
>>>>                https://www.opensips.org/events/Summit-2020Amsterdam/
>>>>             On 4/6/20 6:00 PM, Johan De Clercq wrote:
>>>>>             It,s not exposed I think. I can’t find it back either
>>>>>             Outlook voor iOS <https://aka.ms/o0ukef> downloaden
>>>>>             ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>             *Van:* Users <users-bounces at lists.opensips.org>
>>>>>             <mailto:users-bounces at lists.opensips.org> namens David
>>>>>             Villasmil <david.villasmil.work at gmail.com>
>>>>>             <mailto:david.villasmil.work at gmail.com>
>>>>>             *Verzonden:* Monday, April 6, 2020 4:49:36 PM
>>>>>             *Aan:* OpenSIPS users mailling list
>>>>>             <users at lists.opensips.org>
>>>>>             <mailto:users at lists.opensips.org>
>>>>>             *Onderwerp:* Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Access to
>>>>>             listen/advertised IP Addresses
>>>>>             No, you’re right. It’s not in the core variables and I
>>>>>             can’t find it either. Which makes me think it’s either
>>>>>             not exposed or somewhere in a module (it’s not in
>>>>>             proto_udp)
>>>>>             I will research a little to try and find it..
>>>>>             On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 14:04, Mark Farmer
>>>>>             <farmorg at gmail.com <mailto:farmorg at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>                 Thanks David. But I see no reference to the same
>>>>>                 variable in OpenSIPS.
>>>>>                 https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Script-CoreVar-2-4
>>>>>                 Am I missing something?
>>>>>                 On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 13:45, David Villasmil
>>>>>                 <david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
>>>>>                 <mailto:david.villasmil.work at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>                     Right here:
>>>>>                     https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/5.2.x/pseudovariables#rai_-_received_advertised_ip_address
>>>>>                     Regards,
>>>>>                     David Villasmil
>>>>>                     email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
>>>>>                     <mailto:david.villasmil.work at gmail.com>
>>>>>                     phone: +34669448337
>>>>>                     On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 12:08 PM Mark Farmer
>>>>>                     <farmorg at gmail.com <mailto:farmorg at gmail.com>>
>>>>>                     wrote:
>>>>>                         Many thanks for the reply.
>>>>>                         $Ri is certainly useful when the request
>>>>>                         comes from a non-natted interface. Thanks
>>>>>                         for pointing that out :)
>>>>>                         Is there a way to reference the advertised
>>>>>                         IP address defined in the listen statement?
>>>>>                         listen=udp:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060 as
>>>>>                         xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060
>>>>>                         Thanks
>>>>>                         Mark.
>>>>>                         On Thu, 2 Apr 2020 at 17:32, Sharad Kumar
>>>>>                         via Users <users at lists.opensips.org
>>>>>                         <mailto:users at lists.opensips.org>> wrote:
>>>>>                             Hi Mark,
>>>>>                              If your initial goal is to get the
>>>>>                             interface IP where request is received
>>>>>                             then you can try these variables.
>>>>>                             *$Ri* - reference to IP address of the
>>>>>                             interface where the request has been
>>>>>                             received
>>>>>                             *$Rp* - reference to the port where
>>>>>                             the message was received
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>>>>>                         -- 
>>>>>                         Mark Farmer
>>>>>                         farmorg at gmail.com <mailto:farmorg at gmail.com>
>>>>>                         _______________________________________________
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>>>>>                 -- 
>>>>>                 Mark Farmer
>>>>>                 farmorg at gmail.com <mailto:farmorg at gmail.com>
>>>>>                 _______________________________________________
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>>>>>             -- 
>>>>>             Regards,
>>>>>             David Villasmil
>>>>>             email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
>>>>>             <mailto:david.villasmil.work at gmail.com>
>>>>>             phone: +34669448337
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>>>>>             Users mailing list
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>>>>             Users mailing list
>>>>             Users at lists.opensips.org <mailto:Users at lists.opensips.org>
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>>>>         -- 
>>>>         Mark Farmer
>>>>         farmorg at gmail.com <mailto:farmorg at gmail.com>
>>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>>         Users mailing list
>>>>         Users at lists.opensips.org  <mailto:Users at lists.opensips.org>
>>>>         http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
>>>     -- 
>>>     Mark Farmer
>>>     farmorg at gmail.com <mailto:farmorg at gmail.com>
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     Users mailing list
>>     Users at lists.opensips.org  <mailto:Users at lists.opensips.org>
>>     http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
> -- 
> Mark Farmer
> farmorg at gmail.com <mailto:farmorg at gmail.com>

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