[OpenSIPS-Users] uac_registrant clustering

Alexey Kazantsev kurgan-rus at inbox.ru
Wed Mar 6 03:01:25 EST 2019

Hi list!

Assuming that we have a cluster of:
 - 2 OpenSIPS nodes
 - 2 RTPEngines (each one on each OpenSIPS node)
 - separate Redis server for RTPEngines
 - Keepalived for Virtual IP
 - each OpenSIPS is configured to listen (I mean SIP traffic) on Virtual IP

My results after some research:

  When the node becomes backup, the Virtual IP is moved to Active one.
So, backup OpenSIPS does not have a working interface.
  In such a situation it does not send REGISTER messages (so, it's OK!),
and the 'opensipsctl fifo reg_list' command shows this:

root at deb-osips2:/etc/opensips# opensipsctl fifo reg_list
AOR:: sip:793xxxxyyyy at xxfon.ru expires=180
        last_register_sent:: Wed Mar  6 12:46:00 2019
        registration_t_out:: Wed Mar  6 12:48:01 2019
        registrar:: sip:zzz.zzz.zzz.35
        binding:: sip:793xxxxyyyy at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

And there's no any trash in log (which is also good). I changed
the log_level up to its maximum value.

BR, Alexey

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