[OpenSIPS-Users] I need some help in b2b module .

Sasmita Panda spanda at 3clogic.com
Fri Jan 11 03:03:33 EST 2019

Hi All,

version: opensips 2.4.3 (x86_64/linux)

I am using siprec module with orex (3rd party software ) .
I wanted to send 1 customize header of main dialog to the dialog getting
forwarded to recording server .

As I know , opensips acts as a b2b UA , and generate its own Invite for
recording server in this case . Its only sending the default headers and
wont send any information of the initial dialog .

I have a header X-Info . I wanted to pass this . I have tried the below
thing .

loadmodule "b2b_entities.so"
loadmodule "b2b_logic.so"
modparam("b2b_logic", "custom_headers", "X-Info")

I have tried to send custom header through b2b_logic , but that wont work .
It wont add the header . What should I do for this ?

* Thanks & Regards*
*Sasmita Panda*
*Senior Network Testing and Software Engineer*
*3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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